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Current Affairs 4 & 5 April 2021

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Rajasthan becomes 1st State to commission Farm Based Solar Power Project under PM-KUSUM SchemeCountry’s first farm-based Kusum solar power project commissionedOn April 1, 2021, Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd (RRECL) commissioned India’s 1st Farm-based Solar Power Project under the PM-KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri-Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Mahabhiyan) Scheme at Bhaloji Village, Kotputli in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

  • It has a capacity of 1 megawatt and is spread over on 3.5-acre semi-barren land.
  • It has been developed at an investment of nearly INR 3.7 Crore.
  • The power generated by the project will be purchased by Rajasthan VidhyutVitran Nigam Ltd (at the rate of INR 3.14 per unit).


  • The commissioned project is expected to generate 17 lakh units of electricity per year.
  • It is expected to generate an annual income of nearly INR 50 Lakh for the farmer.

It was launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in 2019. i.Objective – It was launched with the objective of providing financial and water security.
ii.Target – To add solar and other renewable capacities of 25, 750 MW by 2022 with Financial support of INR 34, 422 Crores.
About Rajasthan:
Chief Minister – Ashok Gehlot
Capital – Jaipur
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India contributes USD 300, 000 to UN Women India contributes $300,000 to UN WomenT.S. Tirumurti, India’s Permanent Secretary to the United Nations (UN) stated that India has contributed USD 300, 000 (~ INR 2.2 Crores) to the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (also known as UN Women).

  • With this, India reaffirms its support for Gender Equality and Women empowerment.

India has been working for Women Empowerment at the Global Stage,

  • In September 2020, India along with Afghanistan was elected as Members of the UN Commission on Status of Women, a body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • In August 2020, India co-sponsored a UNSC (United Nations Security Council) Resolution tabled by Indonesia for the Greater Participation of women in peacekeeping forces.

UN Women

  • It is a UN entity dedicated to gender equality and empowerment of women. It was created in 2010 by the UN General Assembly.

About UN Women:
Executive Director – PhumzileMlambo-Ngcuka
Headquarters – New York, USA
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Harsh Vardhan Inaugurates Event for Promoting DSIR-PRISM SchemeHarsh Vardhan Inaugurates Alignment And AwarenessOn March 30, 2021, Union Minister for Science & Technology, Dr Harsh Vardhan virtually inaugurated the Alignment and Awareness Event for Publicity of DSIR-PRISM Scheme (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research-Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Startups and MSMEs) held at IIT Delhi.

  • The event was organized by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology in partnership with 3 major National Initiatives namely Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Ministry of Education; RuTAG, IIT Delhi; and Smart India Hackathon (SIH), Ministry of Education.


  • PRISM is an initiative of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).
  • It is aimed at transforming an individual innovator into a successful technopreneur by promoting, supporting, and funding implementable and commercially viable innovations which are created for society.
  • Grant will be provided in 2 Phases – Phase-I (INR 2 Lakhs-INR 20 Lakhs) & Phase-II (Maximum of INR 50 Lakhs).

Areas of Implementation
Core Technology areas like Affordable healthcare, Water, Sewage Management, Green Technology, Clean Energy, Industrially Utilizable Smart Materials, Waste to Wealth.
About Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR):
It is a Department under the Ministry of Science and Technology
Secretary – DrShekhar C Mande
Headquarters – New Delhi
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WTO revised its Global Trade Projection for 2021 to 8%WTO revises upwards trade growth forecast for 2021 to 8 pcOn March 31, 2021, the World Trade Organisation(WTO), the multilateral trade body in its Trade forecast, revised its global merchandise trade volume growth for 2021 to 8% from the earlier forecast of 7.2% in October 2020.
Key points about the Forecast:

  • WTO reported a 5.3% decline in global trade in 2020.
  • As the effects of COVID-19 in trade were continuing, WTO expected the trade growth to be slow to 4% in 2022.
  • The World GDP at market exchange rates was forecasted to increase by 5.1% in 2021 and 3.8% in 2022, after its contraction by 3.8%(-3.8%) in 2020.
  • India: WTO reported a future growth in India’s exports as the top export markets of India such as North America and the European Union(EU) have increased their imports demand by 11.4% and 8%.

About World Trade Organisation(WTO):

  • WTO deals with the global rules of trade between the countries.

Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
Establishment – 1 January 1995
Created by – Uruguay Round negotiations (1986-94)
Director-General – NgoziOkonjo-Iweala
Members – 164
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Indigenous and Tribal Peoples ‘best guardians’ of Forests: FAO’s Report

On 25th March 2021, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in association with Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) has released a report titled “Forest Governance by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

  • The report states that, Forests under indigenous people are more protected or Indigenous and Tribal Peoples are ‘best guardians’ of forests.

i.It is to be noted that, Indigenous and tribal peoples and the forests in their territories play vital roles in global and regional climate action and in fighting poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
ii.Each year, between 2003 and 2016, on an average, Amazon Basin lost 0.17 % of the carbon stored in their forests in indigenous and tribal territories where as forests outside indigenous territories lost 0.53 % each year which is 0.36 % more than the indigenous territories.


RBI Tightened the Security Norms for Payment companies Payment companies face tighter RBI normsFollowing the rise in cyber-security breaches at Indian tech startups over the last few months, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened its supervision norms over Payment companies that are storing customer data.

  • As per RBI’s norms, from April 1, 2021, all licensed payment system operators (PSOs) have to submit detailed “compliance certificates” to the RBI twice a year.
  • The certificate should be signed by their CEOs or managing directors, confirming adherence to all RBI regulations around security and storage of payment data.

What is Compliance Certificate?

A certificate of compliance is a written document that states the fulfillment of a given requirement. It is a formal certification that declares that an individual or company met a set of conditions.


  • These norms came after when the financial data of about 200 million Indian users were breached (especially from the systems of JusPay and Mobikwik).
  • On March 26, 2021 RBI’s Department of Payment and Settlement Systems (DPSS) issued a letter to all PSOs, which mentioned the RBI’s norms to submit the compliance certificate on April 30 and October 31(for the period ending March 31 and September 30) every year.
  • These norms are an addition to norms by RBI in April 2018 which asked all PSOs to submit board-approved annual System Audit Report (SAR) by CERT-empanelled auditors.
  • Indian payments and tech startups which have witnessed data leaks and cyber-attacks are grocery delivery giant BigBasket(acquired by Tata), ed-tech startup Unacademy, crowdfunding platform Impact Guru and payment aggregator JusPay.

About The Department of Payment and Settlement Systems(DPSS):

  • The Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems (BPSS), a sub-committee of the Central Board of the RBI is the highest policy-making body on payment systems in the country.
  • The DPSS of RBI serves as the Secretariat to BPSS and executes its directions.
  • In India, the payment and settlement systems are regulated by the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (PSS Act) and the Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations, 2008

World Bank approves USD 32 Million Project to improve Healthcare services in MizoramWorld Banks approves USD 32 mn project to improve health services in MizoramOn April 1, 2021, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a USD 32 Million (~INR 234.80 Crores) Project titled ‘Mizoram Health Systems Strengthening Project’ for improving management capacity and quality of health services in Mizoram.

  • The project will help Mizoram to improve quality certification at health facilities, enhance human resources, improve health insurance and other innovations.

Areas of Focus

  • Reducing financial barriers in accessing hospital services. For this purpose, it will build cooperation with India’s Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojna (PMJAY).
  • Preventing out of pocket expenditure for health by poor families and expanding coverage.
  • To invest in a comprehensive quality assurance programme for enabling quality certification of health facilities.

Expected Outcomes

  • Improvement in delivery of quality health services.
  • Enhancement of the planning & management capabilities of the Healthcare personnel.
  • A more effective State Health Insurance Programme.

About Mizoram:
Lakes – Tam Dil, PalakDil, Rungdil
National Parks  (NP) – Murlen NP, Phawngpui Blue Mountain NP
About World Bank 
Members – 189
President – David Malpass
Headquarters – Washington D.C., USA
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NIIFL made its 1st investment in Health sector by its investment in Manipal Hospital Manipal Hospitals getsOn April 1, 2021, The National Investment & Infrastructure Fund Ltd (NIIFL) made its first investment in the Indian healthcare sector by its investment of ₹2,100 crores in Manipal Hospitals through its direct private equity fund, Strategic Opportunities Fund(SOF).
Key points:

  • NIIFL will get a minority stake in Manipal Hospitals as Chairman of Manipal Education and Medical Group RanjanPai is selling a small percentage of his stake in the company.
  • In January 2021 Manipal Health Enterprises Private Limited acquired the Columbia Asia Hospital.
  • This investment will support Manipal Hospitals’ journey of growth to become one of India’s largest hospital chains.
  • NIIFL manages over $4.5 billion of equity capital commitments across three funds (master fund, fund of funds and Strategic Opportunities Fund).

About Manipal Health Enterprises Private Limited(MHEPL):
It is a part of Manipal Education and Medical Group
Establishment – 1991
Headquarters – Bangalore, Karnataka
Chairman– Dr. H SudarshanBallal
MD & CEO – Dilip Jose
About National Investment & Infrastructure Fund Ltd (NIIFL):

  • It wasIndia’s first infrastructure specific investment fund or a sovereign wealth fund that was set up by the Government of India.
  • It is a collaborative investment platform for international and domestic investors, it invests across asset classes such as infrastructure, private equity and other diversified sectors, with the objective to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Establishment – 2015
Headquarters – Mumbai, Maharashtra

WB, AIIB Approved Loan for 300 Million USD Canal-based Drinking Water Projects in PunjabWB, AIIB approve loan for USD 300-mni.The World Bank(WB) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have approved the loan for the 300 Million USD (around Rs.2190 crore) canal-based drinking water project in Punjab.
ii.The entire project will be co-financed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) of World Bank(USD 105 million), AIIB (USD 105 million) and the Government of Punjab(USD 90 million).
iii.The canal-based drinking water projects in Punjab are: Amritsar Project and Ludhiana Project.
About World Bank(WB):
President– David Malpass
Headquarters– Washington DC, United States
Founded– 1944
Members– 189 countries (including India)
About Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):
President– Jin Liqun
Headquarters– Beijing, China
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PayPal Launches Cryptocurrency Checkout Service in United States

PayPal Holdings Inc has started allowing United States(U.S.) consumers to use their cryptocurrency holdings to pay its online merchants globally.

  • In PayPal digital wallets, Customers who hold bitcoin, ether, bitcoin cash & litecoin will  be able to convert their holdings into fiat currencies at checkouts to make purchases.
  • About PayPal :President and CEO- Dan Schulman; Headquarters- San Jose, California.


India’s Fiscal Deficit for FY21(April-February) was about 76% of RE : CGACentre’s fiscal deficit at 76 pcBased on the data released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) on March 31, 2021, the fiscal deficit for the 11months of FY21(April – February) stood at Rs 14.05 lakh crore which is about 76% of the revised estimates(RE)and for FY20 the deficit was about 135.2% of RE.
Comparison with the Budget Estimation 
i.Fiscal Deficit:The fiscal deficit projections for has revised to Rs 18.48 lakh crore (9.5% of the GDP) from the original budget estimate of Rs 7.96 lakh crore (3.5% of the GDP)
ii.Receipts: The government’s total receipts during April-February stood at Rs 14,13,096 crore or 88.2% of the RE (Rs 16,01, 650 crores) which was presented in the Budget
iii.Expenditure: The total expenditure was Rs 28,18,643 crore or 81.7% of the budget’s RE (34,50,305 crore). In FY20 the expenditure was 91.4% of RE.
Govt decided to Borrow 7.24-lakh crore for the 1st Half of FY22
On March 31, 2021, The Government in consultation with the RBI decided to borrow 7.24-lakh crore for the first six months of FY22. In terms of percentage, the borrowing was 5.5% less than FY21’s borrowing.

  • Tarun Bajaj, Economic Affairs Secretary mentioned a gross borrowing of ₹12,05,500 crore and net borrowing of ₹9,37,221 crores.
  • The borrowing of 7.24-lakh crore for the first six months is about 60.06% of the gross issuances.

About Controller General of Accounts (CGA):

  • CGA is in the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance is the Principal Accounting Adviser to the Government of India.
  • The Annual Appropriation Accounts (Civil) and Union Finance Accounts are submitted by CGA to Parliament under Article 150 of the Constitution.
  • It has the responsibility to Disburse the Pension through Public Sector Banks (PSBs) in respect of Central Civil Pensioners, Freedom Fighters, High Court Judges, Ex-M.P. s and Ex-Presidents.
  • Current CGA –  Smt. Soma Roy Burman

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AP Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan Receives Kalinga Ratna Samman 2021Andhra Pradesh Governor Biswabhusan Harichandani.On 2nd April 2021, M Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India presented the Kalinga Ratna Samman for the year 2021 to Biswabhusan Harichandan, governor of Andhra Pradesh(AP) to recognise his contribution to literature.
ii.The award was presented during the 600th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Adi Kabi Sarala Das and the 40th Annual Day of Sarala Sahitya Sansad at the Sarala Bhawan, Cuttack.
About the Kalinga Ratna Samman:
i.Kalinga Ratna Samman is an annual award instituted by the Sarala Sahitya Sansad in 2007.
ii.The award recognises the person of Odisha who has contributed to any field at the national or international level.
iii.The award carries a silver idol of Goddess Saraswati, a copper plaque and a shawl.
About Sarala Sahitya Sansad
President – Sri Sahadeva Sahoo, IAS (Retd.)
Head Quarter – Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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YES Bank Bought RInfra’s Reliance Centre at Santacruz for Rs.1200 croreSanta Cruz office forYES Bank bought the Reliance Centre of Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra) at Santacruz, Mumbai, Maharashtra for Rs.1200 crores. This sale of the office building of 21432.28 square meter plot in Santacruz is utilised to repay the debt of YES Bank.
i.Under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act 2002, The YES bank has issued the demand notice to Reliance Infrastructure Ltd on 6th May 2020, for non-payment of loans amounting to Rs. 2,892 crore.
ii.In July 2020, the YES Bank took over the possession of the Reliance Centre at Santacruz which served as the headquarters of the Anil Ambani’s Group.
iii.Both YES Bank and RInfra have agreed to formalise this into a sale deal.
Additional info:
i.The sale of the assets by RInfra is a part of its aim to become debt free in 2021.
ii.In the past 3 months, the company has made similar deals like,

  • Sale of its entire holding (74%) in Power Grid Corporation of India namely Parbati Koldam Transmission Company, for Rs 900 crore.
  • Sale of its Delhi-Agra road project to Cube Highways and Infrastructure III Pte for Rs.3600 crores.

About YES Bank:
MD & CEO– Prashant Kumar
Headquarters– Mumbai, Maharashtra
Tagline– Experience our expertise
Incepted in 2004
About Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra):
Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra) is a constituent of the Reliance Group.
Chairman– Anil Dhirubhai Ambani
Incorporated in 1929


Bharat Dynamics Ltd Starts Delivery of ‘Akash Missile’ to Indian ArmyAkash Missiles for delivery to Indian ArmyOn April 1, 2021, Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL) started the delivery of the ‘Akash Missile’ (surface-to-air Missile System) to the Indian Army. The delivery was flagged off by Lt Gen A P Singh, Director General & Senior Colonel Commandant, Army Air Defence.

  • BDL manufactures AKASH Missile for both the Indian Army and Indian Air Force.
  • The Missile system has been designed and developed by DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) with 96% Indigenous content.

Akash Missile

  • It can engage aerial threats up to the maximum range of 25 Km& up to an altitude of 20 km.
  • Speed Range – 1.8 to 2.5 Mach.
  • It was inducted in 2014 in the Indian Air Force (IAF) and in 2015 in the Indian Army.

About Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL):
Chairman & Managing Director – Commodore Siddharth Mishra (Retd)
Headquarters – Hyderabad, Telangana
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DRDO Developed Lightweight Bullet-proof Jacket for Armed Forces

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed a lightweight Bullet-Proof Jacket(BPJ) for the armed forces. The BPJ, weighing around 9 kg, meets the qualitative requirements of the Indian Army. The BPJ was developed by Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur.

  • The Front Hard Armour Panel (FHAP) jacket was tested at the Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh and met the relevant Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) standards.
  • The FHAP technology has reduced the weight of the medium-sized BPJ from 10.4 kg to 9 kg.


Argyreia sharadchandraji – New Plant Species Discovered in Maharashtra Named After Sharad Pawar

Researchers Dr Pramod R Lawand and Dr Vinod B Shimpale discovered a new species of flowering plants belonging to the genus “Argyreia”, in Western Ghats at Kolhapur district, Maharashtra.The species is named as “Argyreia Sharadchandraji” to honour SharadPawar, former Union Agriculture Minister of India.
i.Their findings were listed in the research paper “Argyreiasharadchandraji (Convolvulaceae),a new species from the Western Ghats, India” in the Journal of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.
ii.The Ecologically sensitive zone, Western Ghats, adds up another discovery of rare species for the 1st time in India.
About Argyreia genus:

  • Totally 40 sub-species come under Argyreia, most of them are endemic to Asian Countries.
  • Of this 40, 17 species are endemic to India & the current findings increased the count to 18.


Uzbekistan to host AIBA’s 2023 Men’s Boxing World Championship 2023 Men's Boxing World ChampionshipsOn 2nd March 2021, the International Boxing Association (AIBA) announced Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan as the host city for 2023 Men’s Boxing World Championship. The biennial event is the highest event in the sport of Boxing.
i.For the 1st time Uzbekistan is going to host the Boxing World Championship in its 22nd Edition in 2023.
About International Boxing Association (AIBA):
President – Umar Kremlev
Headquarters – Lausanne, Switzerland
Founded – 1946
About Uzbekistan:
President – ShavkatMirziyoyev
Capital – Tashkent
Currency – Uzbekistani Som
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Venkaiah Naidu Released Book ‘Suparipalana’ by Dr Shailendra Kumar Joshi‘Suparipalana’ by retired civil servant DrOn 1st April 2021, M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India released the book “Suparipalana” authored by Dr Shailendra Kumar Joshi(SK Joshi), the former Chief Secretary of Telangana.

  • This is the Telugu translation of SK Joshi’s book “Echo T Calling: Towards People Centric Governance”. 
  • The book was translated by Annavarapu Brahmaiah and published by Maruthi.

About the book:
i.The book is the narration of SK Joshi about the administration, public policy and governance in India.
ii.The book covers a range of topics from ‘laughter, the best medicine’ to ‘the relevance of swadeshi in modern perspective’.
About SK Joshi:
i.DrShailendra Kumar Joshi is a 1984 batch IAS Officer, who hails from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.
ii.He has served as the secretary, principal secretary and special chief secretary and handled the departments of Information Technology, Irrigation and Command Area Development, Municipal Administration and Urban Development among others.
iii.He has also served as the Vice-Chairman of the joint implementation mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol in Bonn, Germany.
Other Books:

  • Management of Transboundary Water Resources
  • EkPratidhwani Jan KendritShaasanki Ore(his first Book in Hindi)

‘Wisdom For Start-ups From Grownups: Discovering Corporate Ayurveda’ Book By R Gopalakrishnan& R NarayananDiscovering Corporate AyurvedaThe book titled ‘Wisdom For Start-ups From Grownups: Discovering Corporate Ayurveda’ authored by corporate leaders R Gopalakrishnan and R Narayanan was inspired by the Secrets of shinise, Japanese companies dating back to the samurai era (long-lived companies in Japan).
The book is published by Penguin Random House India.
About the book:
i.This book is a collaborative effort of R Gopalakrishnan and R Narayanan to offer the wisdom of grownup to the startups, presented in the form of all important lessons.
ii.The book is divided into 2 sections which are focused on Startups and grownups.
iii.The book also narrates the stories of 9 startups and explores the motivations among the entrepreneurs.
About the authors:
R Gopalakrishnan:
i.RGopalakrishnan is presently the non-executive chairman of Castrol India and an independent director of Hemas holding PLC, Sri Lanka.
ii.He has served as the Vice-Chairman of Hindustan Unilever and Director of Tata Sons.
iii.He has authored around 15 books which include,

  • The Case of the Bonsai Manager
  • When the Penny Drops
  • A Biography of Innovations and Crash: Lessons from the Entry and Exit of CEOs

R Narayanan:
i.R. Narayanan has been involved with startups since the 1980s who is participating in angel investing and mentoring.
ii.He started his career in Coca-Cola and Nestle with experience in the advertising business.

New Book titled ‘Cinema Through Rasa: A Tryst with Masterpieces in the Light of Rasa Siddhanta’ by PrachandPraveerA book titled Cinema Through RasaThe book titled “Cinema Through Rasa: A Tryst with Masterpieces in the Light of Rasa Siddhanta” by PrachandPraveer. This is the English translation of PrachandPraveer’s Hindi Book titled “Abhinava Cinema”. 

  • The book was translated by GeetaMirji Narayan and published by D.K Printworld (P) Limited. 
  • The foreword of the book was written by Vishnu Khare Bharat Gupt.

About the book:
i.The book views the cinema industry through the Rasa Siddhanta or aesthetics and discusses how the ancient Indian principles govern cinema as they govern the stage.
ii.RasaSiddhanta was first mentioned in Bharata Muni’s Natyasastra, the ancient treatise on dramaturgy.
iii.The book catalogues the major cinematic works with a focus on Abhinavabharati, a 10th-century commentary on Natyasastra by Kashmiri Saivite philosopher Abhinavagupta.
About PrachandPraveer:
i.The debut book of PrachandPraveer is AlpahariGrihtyagi: IIT Se Pehle(2010).
ii.Some of his other works are, JaanaNahiDil Se Door, Uttarayan and Dakshinayan


World Frog Day 2021 – March 20

The World Frog Day 2021 is annually observed across the globe on 20th March to create awareness and save the different species of tailless amphibians from being extinct. World Frog day was instituted in 2009.

  • There are more than 6000 known species of Frog, out of which 4800 types of frogs are found across the globe except for Antarctica.
  • The main reason for the decline in the population of frogs is human activity and fungal infections.


Rajasthan becomes 1st State to provide Health Insurance for all its residentsRajasthan becomes first state to provide health insuranceOn April 1, 2021, The State Government of Rajasthan began registrations for ‘Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme (Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana). With this launch, Rajasthan became the 1st State in India to provide health insurance of up to INR 5 Lakh to each Family every year.

  • The announcement of the Health Insurance Scheme was made during the presentation of the State Budget for the FY 2021-22.
  • The Scheme is worth INR 3, 500 Crore.

Rajasthan CM approves Chief Minister’s District Innovation Fund Scheme
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlotapproved the Chief Minister’s District Innovation Fund Scheme, which was announced in the State Budget 2021-22.

  • Under this scheme, funds will be provided to each district for work related to public utility asset creation as per the local needs from the Chief Minister’s Innovation Fund.
  • Nodal Agency – Nodal department of the scheme at the state level Rural Development department, Zila Parishad will be the nodal department at the district level.
  • Each district will be allocated INR 1 Crore per year

About Rajasthan:
National Parks (NP) – Keoladeo Ghana NP, Ranthambore NP, Sariska NP
Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS) – Sawai Man Singh WLS, Ramsagar WLS, Sariska WLS
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Current Affairs Today (AffairsCloud Today)

S.noCurrent Affairs 4 & 5 April 2021
1Rajasthan becomes 1st State to commission Solar Power Project under PM-KUSUM Scheme
2India contributes USD 300, 000 to UN Women
3Harsh Vardhan Inaugurates Event for Promoting DSIR-PRISM Scheme
4WTO revised its Global Trade Projection for 2021 to 8%
5Indigenous and Tribal Peoples ‘best guardians’ of Forests: FAO’s Report
6RBI Tightened the Security Norms for Payment companies
7World Bank approves USD 32 Million Project to improve Healthcare services in Mizoram
8NIIFL made its 1st investment in Health sector by its investment in Manipal Hospital
9WB, AIIB Approved Loan for 300 Million USD Canal-based Drinking Water Projects in Punjab
10PayPal Launches Cryptocurrency Checkout Service in US
11India’s Fiscal Deficit for FY21(April-February) was about 76% of RE
12AP Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan Receives Kalinga Ratna Samman 2021
13YES Bank Bought RInfra’s Reliance Centre at Santacruz for Rs.1200 crore
14Bharat Dynamics Ltd Starts Delivery of ‘Akash Missile’ to Indian Army
15DRDO Developed Lightweight Bullet-proof Jacket for Armed Forces
16New Plant Species named after NCP Chief SharadPawar
17Uzbekistan to host AIBA’s 2023 Men’s Boxing World Championship
18Venkaiah Naidu Released Book ‘Suparipalana’ by Dr Shailendra Kumar Joshi
19‘Wisdom For Start-ups From Grownups: Discovering Corporate Ayurveda’ Book By R Gopalakrishnan& R Narayanan
20New Book titled ‘Cinema Through Rasa: A Tryst with Masterpieces in the Light of Rasa Siddhanta’ by PrachandPraveer
21World Frog Day 2021 – March 20
22Rajasthan becomes 1st State to provide Health Insurance for all its residents