Union Power Ministry and New & Renewable Energy Ministry signed four Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) for energy conservation, transmission and solarisation on AUGUST 12, 2015.
- The main objective of the MoUs is to boost cooperation between both parties in the areas of electricity transmission, promotion of renewable energy and energy conservation in a time bound manner.
Four MoU’s:
The first MoU was signed between the Power and Railways Ministries for knowledge sharing in the field of electricity and energy conservation to reduce the cost of electricity for the Railways.
The second MoU was signed by Railway Ministry and Ministry of New & Renewable Energy to promote solar energy usage while it signed a third MoU with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to identify technologies to improve energy utilisation.
The third MoU was signed by Railway Ministry and Bureau of Energy Efficiency to identify technologies to improve energy utilization.
The fourth MoU was signed by Railway Energy Management Company and Energy Efficiency Services Ltd for implementation of energy efficient systems and conservation projects for the Railways.
• Piyush Goyal, Union Power Minister said that the Railways have saved Rs. 2,500 crore over the last five years in energy costs.