Current Affairs PDF

GK Questions: World Geography(Surnames) – Set 6

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Hello Aspirants. Welcome to Online General Knowledge section in Affairs cloud, which is important for all the competitive exams. We have created Some questions related to World Gk(World Geography) !!!

  1. Cockpit of Europe is surname of ……………………….
    1.New York
    5.None of these
    Answer – 4.Belgium
    Explanation :
    Belgium is so called because it has been the site of more European battles than any other country.For example, Oudenarde, Ramillies, Fontenoy, Fleurus, Jemmapes, Ligny, Quatre Bras, Waterloo.

  2. Which of the following is known as Emerald island ?
    5.None of these
    Answer – 3.Ireland
    Explanation :
    Emerald Isle is the poetic name for Ireland due to its green countryside, first referred to in print by William Drennan in his poem “When Erin first rose”.

  3. Darwin nickname is …………………….
    1.Gate way of Australia
    2.Electronic city
    3.Eternal city
    4.Front door of Australia
    5.None of these
    Answer – 4.Front door of Australia
    Explanation :
    Darwin is capital of the Northern Territory and gateway to Kakadu National Park, Australia’s largest. It’s known as a laid-back blend of frontier outpost and modern city and also known as fron door of Australia. At its heart is the Smith Street pedestrian mall, notable for shops selling Aboriginal art and crafts, South Sea pearls, opals and diamonds.

  4. Herring pond is nickname of which of the following ?
    1.Atlantic Ocean
    2.Indian Ocean
    3.Pacific Ocean
    4.Arctic ocean
    5.None of these
    Answer – 1.Atlantic Ocean
    Explanation :
    Atlantic Ocean i known as Herring bond because there is a lot more Herring fish in it than any other kind.

  5. …………………………….. is also known as Coffee port of the world
    5.None of these
    Answer – 3.Shantos
    Explanation :
    The Port of Santos  is located in the city of Santos,Brazil. As of 2006, it is the busiest container port in Latin America.Brazil is the world’s largest coffee producer, growing and exporting as much as 30% of the world’s coffee.

  6. Italy is called as …………………………..
    1.Golden city
    2.Gateway of Europe
    3.The Boot
    4.Granery of Europe
    5.None of these
    Answer – 3.The Boot  
    Explanation :
    The peninsula’s shape gives it the nickname The Boot. Three smaller peninsulas contribute to this characteristic shape, namely Calabria, Salento and Gargano .

  7. Broadway is also known as Great white way is located in ………………….
    5.None of these
    Answer – 1.Newyork
    Explanation :
    The Great White Way” became one of the nicknames for Broadway in the late 1890s, back when the street was one of the first to be fully illuminated by electric light.

  8. Korea surname is ………………………
    1.Hermit kingdom
    2.Garden province of south africa
    3.Herring city
    4.Eternal city
    5.None of these
    Answer – 1.Hermit kingdom
    Explanation :
    Korea’s position, in close proximity to both China and Japan, makes her future calm and undisturbed, that their country became known as a Hermit Kingdom.

  9. ………………… is also known as Friendly island
    5.None of these
    Answer – 3.Tonga
    Explanation :
    Tonga became known as the Friendly Islands because of the congenial reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit in 1773.

  10. City of Sky Scrappers is nickname of ………………
    2.New York
    5.None of these
    Answer – 2.New York
    Explanation :
    New York Skyscrapers. New York is the world’s ultimate skyscraper city. Already at the end of the 19th century, the limited space on Manhattan caused developers to build ever taller towers.