As per WEF(World Economic Forum) in the coming years India is laid out much more favourably than China in terms of growth.
Growth is likely this year to around 7.5 per cent making India to overtake China by the end of 2016. India jumped 16 places in the World Economic Forum’s latest competitiveness index to 55(one of the strongest seen anywhere in the world)
- China remained steady at 28, whereas Brazil fell 18 places to 75
Fruitful Reforms:
Improving infrastructure means removing a key blockage to growth and investment and allowing key areas of the economy i.e. farming and manufacturing.
WEF(World Economic Forum):
It is a Swiss nonprofit foundation Recognized by the Swiss authorities as the international institution for public-private cooperation, its mission is cited as “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”.
- HQ: Cologny, Switzerland
- Motto: Committed to improving the state of the world