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UN Releases Findings of ‘People’s Climate Report’ – World’s Largest Survey on Climate Change

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Two-thirds of world see 'climate emergency'The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released the results of ‘People’s Climate Report’ – World’s Largest Survey of Public Opinion on Climate Change. Around 1.2 Million People participated in the survey, out of which two-thirds of people (64%) believe that Climate Change is a Global Emergency.

  • The survey conducted by UNDP along with University of Oxford, United Kingdom spanned 50 countries and covered 56% of the World’s Population.
  • The Peoples’ Climate Vote is part of the Mission 1.5 campaign launched by UNDP in 2020 for educating people about climate change solutions & asking people about actions needed to be taken for tackling the climate change problem.

i.The Survey asked the respondents

  • About their beliefs in climate emergency
  • To Choose areas on which they would ask their Government to enact laws for controlling climate change.
  • The 6 specified areas were  Energy, Economy, Transportation, Farms & Food, Protecting people and nature

ii.Highest Level of support

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – 74%, High-Income Countries – 72%, Middle-Income countries – 62% & Least Developed Countries (58%)  voted for climate change as an Global Emergency.

iii.Four Popular Climate Policies among the respondents for tackling  Climate Change

  • Conservation of Forests & Land (54% Support)
  • Solar, Wind and Renewable Power (53%)
  • Climate-friendly farming techniques (52%)
  • Investing more in green businesses and jobs (50%)

In India 44% of respondents have voted Conserving Forests & Land as the most effective policy to mitigate Climate Change.

iv.Response among Different age groups

  • 70% Young People (Below 18 years) believed more in Climate Change as a Global Emergency
  • Compared to 65% of people aged between 18-35, 66% aged between 36-59 & 58% of people aged above 60 years.

v.The survey also established a correlation between an Individual’s level of education and Desire for climate action.

  • A High level recognition of climate change as a global emergency was found amongst respondents who have attended University or College in all countries, from  Low-income countries like Bhutan (82%) & Congo (82%), to High Income countries like France (87%) & Japan (82%).

Click here to read the full Report

Recent Related News:

i.On 19th June 2020, India released its first national report on the state of the climate crisis titled “Assessment of climate change over the Indian region” prepared with the support of the MoES and edited by the scientists of the IITM, Pune.

About  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):
Administrator – Achim Steiner
Headquarters– New York, United States of America