The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) announced to set up a Fast Track Task Force to re-establish a significant growth in mobile handset and component manufacturing eco-system in India. The joint task force will include industry representatives from Samsung, Microsoft Devices, and Lava.  The task force aims to achieve production of 500 million units of mobile handsets by 2019.
The Chairman of the Task Force is Pankaj Mohindroo, the President of Indian Cellular Association (ICA). The Co-Chairmen of the task force are Josh Foulger, the President of Nokia SEZ and Hari Om Rai, the Co-founder of Lava mobile handsets. The DeitYÂ Directors SK Marwah and Asha Nangia will represent government in this task force.
It is estimated that this large scale production can create employment opportunity for 15 lakh people. Domestic production fell by 29 per cent in the year mainly due to suspension of production at Nokia plant.