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IIT Kanpur and DARPG Sign Agreement With MoD For Using AI, ML to Address Public Grievances

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MoD signs tripartite MoU with IIT Kanpur and Deptt of ARPGOn August 04, 2020, A Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between IIT Kanpur, Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Department of Administrative Reforms & Public grievances (DAR & PG) to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Techniques to conduct exploratory and predictive analysis of Public Grievances received on the web based Centralized Public Grievances Redress & Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) pertaining to the MoD.

The MoU was signed in the presence of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, MoS for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Dr. Jitendra Singh and IIT Kanpur Deputy Director S Ganesh.


i.The project will help the Ministry of Defence to take corrective measures in time, before a problem becomes large.

ii.To identify the cause and nature of grievances to bring systematic changes in policies.

iii.The analysis will help the MoD to determine if more complaints are coming from any specific areas/regions/cities.

Key Points

i.The partnership is concerned with conducting  exploratory and predictive analysis of public grievances.The integration of J&K’s Awaz-e-Awam portal with the central government’s Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) has been done to facilitate seamless transfer of grievances.

ii.The grievances received in the portal of CPGRAMS will be used for the analysis.

iii.Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances is the custodian of data on the CPGRAMS portal.

iv.DARPG will provide data related to Public Grievances of MoD to IIT Kanpur for their analysis.

v.The complaint received in the portal will be automatically redirected to the concerned official, where it is resolved and feedback is obtained.

vi.With this model, the quality of the redressal by the official is also predicted.

vii.The new model will help in making the response to the people by the ministry  easier, swifter and efficient .

Static GK:
Defence Minister of India – Rajnath Singh
Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions – Dr. Jitendra Singh
IIT Kanpur Director – Abhay Karandikar.