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4 diplomats honoured with 2019 ‘Diwali – Power of One Award’ at New York, US

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On December 6, 2019, 4 diplomats were honoured with ‘The Diwali – Power of One’ award at the United Nations(UN) Headquarters in New York, United States (US) in recognition and celebration of their work, especially at the United Nations(UN), for a secure and peaceful world. The 4 diplomats are as follows:4-eminent-diplomats-honoured-with-2019-Diwali

  • Kairat Abdrakhmanov– Former Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the UN.
  • Nicholas Emiliou– Former Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the UN.
  • Frantisek Ruzicka– Former Chef de Cabinet to the President of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly(UNGA) and Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the UN.
  • Volodymyr Yelchenko- Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN.

Key Points:

i.The ‘Diwali – Power of One Award’ were established by the Diwali Foundation USA, Inc in 2017.

  • The award is given to former Permanent Representatives or high-level UN diplomats or those diplomats who will soon finish their tenure at UN for selfless work in creating a peaceful and secure world for all.
  • The ‘Power of One’ award institutionalised the Diwali Stamp effort of Ranju Batra (chair of Diwali foundation in US) and her partners who worked tirelessly and made ‘Forever Diwali’, the most popular stamp issued by the US Postal Services in 2016.

ii.Co-organisers & sponsors: the 2019 co organisers were Permanent Missions of Belarus, Georgia and India to the UN, along with 32 co-sponsors.

iii.In 2018, the award was conferred to 6 veteran international diplomats.

About United States(US):
President- Donald Trump.
Capital- Washington, D.C.
Currency- US dollar.