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Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2023- November 19

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Women's Entrepreneurship day - November 19 2023Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) is observed annually across the globe on 19th November to honour female entrepreneurs and acknowledge their achievements. The day also honours the contributions of women in business.

  • 19 November 2023 marks the observance of the 10th WED.

The annual observance of WED is led by the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organisation (WEDO).


i.The first-ever WED was observed on 19 November 2014 at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, the United States of America (USA).

ii.It was initiated by a Social Entrepreneur Wendy Diamond, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of WEDO, a non-governmental volunteer organization.

iii.It is a global initiative celebrated at the UN and in 144 countries and 65 universities/colleges internationally with the mission to economically empower Women in business to alleviate poverty.

#ChooseWOMEN Campaign:

i.WEDO launched the international digital campaign #ChooseWOMEN campaign in 2013, to empower women entrepreneurs, drive economic growth, and alleviate poverty.

ii.This campaign aims to designate the Wednesday after Thanksgiving to celebrate and support women in business.

iii.In collaboration with Bartle Bogle Hegarty, #ChooseWOMEN is a grassroots social media movement that encourages both women and men to pledge their support to #ChooseWOMEN in the business world.

Mission of WEDO:

The WEDO mission is to empower the 4 billion women worldwide to be catalysts of change and uplift the over 250 million girls living in poverty around the world.

2023 Events:

i.On 17 November 2023, WEDO organised some events to commemorate the celebration of 10 years of WED (proclaimed on November 19th) at the Delegates’ Dining Room inside the UN headquarters in New York City, USA.

ii.The event includes an in-personal/virtual WEDO Summit 2023, and the Pioneer Award Luncheon.

Note: The first-ever WED Summit was hosted in 2016 at the UN headquarters in New York City.

Key Facts:

i.Only 10% of World Income is earned by Women.

ii.80% of Women Entrepreneurs use their savings.

iii.60% of World Work is performed by Women.

iv.2-6% of New Business led by women receive venture capital funding.

About Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organisation (WEDO):
CEO and Founder– Wendy Diamond
Headquarters– New York, USA
Founded in– 2013