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Indian-American Journalist and her colleagues receives Edgar A Poe Award

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An Indian-American journalist Neela Banerjee was awarded by US President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle and her colleagues were awarded with a prestigious award during the annual White House Correspondents carnival.

Awardees: Neela Banerjee and Three of her colleagues – John Cushman Jr, David Hasemyer and Lisa Song from Inside Climate New
Award Name: Edgar A Poe awardNeela Banerjee receives Edgar A Poe Award
Presented By: White House Correspondents Association (WHCA)
Purpose:  Journalistic work of national or regional significance.

About Journalist Banerjee:

  • Living in Washing DC and got graduate from Yale University
  • Served as Energy and environmental reporter for the Los Angeles Times’ Washington Bureau and she reported the Global energy, Iraq war
  • She also served as a Moscow correspondent with The Wall Street Journal.

i. The award was share by Terrence McCoy who is working in Washington Post

He reported the issue of Lead poisoning among Poor black children in Baltimore

ii. Contributions by Neela Banerjee and her Collegues:

Collected documents, Interviews and public records to reveal the climate change

iii. Misha Euceph, a Pakistani radio journalist from Rawalpindi

  • Selected for WHCA annual scholarship. She was also felicitated by the US President and the First Lady.
  • Recipient of USD 5,000 to help finance post-graduate degree

Among the judges for journalism awards included

Indian American Indira Somani, an Assistant Professor of Journalism at the School of Communications, Howard University in Washington, DC