Welcome to Online English in AffairsCloud.com. Here we are creating question sample in Antonyms, which is common for the SSC CGL & Some other SSC exams. We have included Some questions that are repeatedly asked in exams !!!
A. worst
B. apex
C. nadir
D. pastA. zenith means the highest point or the apex; nadir means the
lowest point - GERMANE
A. irrelevant
B. indifferent
C. impartial
D. improvidentA. germane means to be appropriate or relevant, therefore irrelevant is the opposite - IRASCIBLE
A. determined
B. placid
C. reasonable
D. pliantB. irascible means easily angered; placid means calm or serene - APPROBATE
A. ingratitude
B. condemn
C. dissatisfaction
D. masterB. to approbate means to approve or sanction; to condemn means to declare wrong or to convict - SUPERCILIOUS
A. unimportant
B. relevant
C. serious
D. meekD. supercilious means coolly or patronizingly haughty; meek means enduring injury with patience and without resentment - IMPROVIDENT
A. cautious
B. fortunate
C. proven
D. intelligentA. improvident means lacking prudent foresight, or careless; cautious means to be wary or to exercise forethought - DEMUR
A. embrace
B. crude
C. boisterous
D. falterA. to demur means to delay or hesitate; to embrace means to accept readily or gladly; demure means coy - FATUOUS
A. crafty
B. frugal
C. sensible
D. inaneC. fatuous means inanely foolish; sensible is its nearest opposite - QUIESCENT
A. lackadaisical
B. active
C. dull
D. prescientB. quiescent means marked by inactivity or repose, therefore active is the opposite - SARTORIAL
A. cheerful
B. sincere
C. inelegant
D. homespunA. sartorial means of or relating to tailored clothes; homespun means homemade
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