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Ebola : WHO Approves First Rapid Test Kit

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved a rapid test kit for Ebola virus, which can deliver the result in just fifteen minutes. Rather than testing the nucleic acid, this test detects the Ebola protein. The kit is made by Corgenix in the US and named as ReEBOV Antigen rapid test kit, which now has approval from WHO. The trials have shown that it can perfectly identify about 92% of Ebola-infected patients and around 85% of those not infected with the virus.

Even though the previous tests are highly accurate, the time taken to deliver the result is too much. It requires well established laboratories and fully trained professionals to do that.

The Ebola outbreak has killed more than 8,500 people, mainly in West Africa. Right now, there is no cure for Ebola. Scientists are working to put experimental drugs into clinical trials.