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African World Heritage Day 2024 – May 5

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African World Heritage Day - May 5 2024African World Heritage Day (AWHD) is annually observed across the globe on 5 May to celebrate African culture and heritage by raising awareness of the benefits of its promotion and preservation and the related challenges faced by the African continent.

  • 5th May 2024 marks the observance of the 9th edition of African World Heritage Day.

The observance of AWHD is led by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) and its partners.


The theme of AWHD 2024 is “Safeguarding Africa’s Heritage through Education

  • This is in harmony with the African Union (AU)’s theme for 2024 “Educate and Skill Africa for the 21st Century”.


i.AWHD promotes regional integration between African countries to protect and manage shared heritage, and to promote mutual respect and understanding between different communities.

ii.AWHD serves as a platform to increase global awareness, particularly among youth, and mobilize cooperation for safeguarding Africa’s heritage locally, regionally, and globally.


i.During the 38th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO held from 3rd to 19th November 2015, UNESCO adopted a resolution proclaiming 5th May of every year as African World Heritage Day.

  • The resolution was adopted in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of UNESCO’s decision to create the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) (2006-2016).
  • The resolution aligns with UNESCO’s Priority Africa program, which aims to raise international awareness of African heritage.

ii.The 1st African World Heritage Day was observed on 5th May 2016.

About Africa:

i.Africa is the world’s second-largest continent by geographic area and the second-most populous continent globally, after Asia.

ii.Africa has 54 countries fully recognized by the United Nations (UN), and 2 independent states with limited or no recognition (Western Sahara and Somaliland).

iii.According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Africa hosts 30% of the world’s mineral reserves; 40% of the world’s gold and significant percentages of chromium, platinum, cobalt, diamonds, and uranium. It also holds 12% of global oil reserves and 8% of natural gas.

2024 Events:

i.A High-Level Webinar under the theme “Safeguarding Africa’s Heritage through Education” led by the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) was held on 6 May 2024.

ii.On the occasion of AWHD 2024, the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) has organised a My African Heritage Competition under the theme “My African Heritage” from 5 May to 25 May 2024.