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UIIC Office Assistant Mains 2017 Examination – Section-wise Tips

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The United India Insurance Company (UIIC) Office Assistant Mains 2017 is around the corner. The exam is scheduled on 23rd of this month. Many congratulations to those who have cleared the UIIC prelims exam. You might be already in your last phase of prep-up for the UIIC mains exam. Here are few last-minute tips that will be helpful for the upcoming UIIC office assistant exam. These tips are brought to you by Oliveboard, an online exam preparation platform for insurance, banking and other government jobs. Let’s quickly glance through the exam pattern before the tips.

Exam Pattern – UIIC Office Assistant Mains 2017

Name of SectionNo of questionsMax marksMediumDuration
Reasoning4050English/Hindi120 mins
English Language4050English
General Awareness4050English/Hindi
Computer Knowledge4050English/Hindi
Numerical Ability4050English/Hindi


Note: For each wrong answer 1/4th marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

Candidates need to score minimum marks in each section and qualify in regional language test before the final selection. Regional language test will be qualifying in nature. Final selection for UIIC office assistant will be based on performance in main exam and regional language test.

15 Section-wise Tips for UIIC Mains 2017 Exam


  1. Attempt questions from inequalities, syllogism, blood relations, alphanumeric series etc. first
  2. Practice more puzzles/arrangements and above-mentioned topics during the exam preparation
  3. Attempt easy and less time-consuming questions first to score higher

English Language

  1. Get a strong hold over all grammar rules
  2. Improve your vocabulary by reading English newspapers everyday
  3. Attempt questions from close test and fill in the blanks as these are less time consuming

General Awareness

  1. Memorize the who’s and when’s
  2. Read newspapers daily and stay updated with current affairs
  3. Attempt this section first or second as it is considered easy

Computer Knowledge

  1. Get understanding of the basics of computer
  2. Attain hands-on practice for MS Office

Numerical Ability

  1. Practice topic-wise test for areas you are less confident
  2. Practice mental math to avoid wasting time on rough work during exam
  3. Focus on common arithmetic problems
  4. Attempt questions from time and work, simple and compound interest etc. first

Hope this helps. Practice as many full-length and sectional UIIC mains 2017 tests you can and improve your speed and accuracy. Wishing you all the best for the exam!