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13th Broadband commission meet conducted at Dubai

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The 13th meeting of Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development was held on 14 March 2016 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Broadband commission meet

Flash points

  • The two day meet of 13th Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development aims to promote the power of broadband networks and services for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • The meet brought the leaders from the public, private and social sectors together to seek the solutions to achieving education, equity and employment for all
  • The full meeting of the Commission revisited the issue of new broadband targets to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • The meeting was conducted in association with the Global Education and Skills forum
  • In 2015, 44 percent world population remains offline, including 36 percent of LDC population while there are 200 million fewer girls and women online than boys and men
  • The Broadband Commission works to ensure that no one is left behind by leaving no one off-line

Points to note

  • Broadband Commissioner- Sunny Varkey
  • Next meeting will be conducted in September,2016
  • Venue of next meet- New YorkÂ