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UNSC firsts: Adopts 4 resolutions remotely; including “2518” on safety, security of peacekeepers

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On March 31, 2020, The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted four resolutions, voting for the first time remotely or through video-conferencing as the United Nations (UN) staff work from home due to the coronavirus outbreak. Importantly, UNSC is currently under China’s Presidency and China’s Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun is the Council President. The resolutions adopted unanimously by the council are:UNSC resolution on safety, security of peacekeepers

  • Renewing the mandate for the Panel of Experts working with the 1718 Sanctions Committee for North Korea,
  • Extending the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM),
  • Maintaining the African Union-United Nations Mission Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) of its current troop and police ceilings,
  • Improving the safety and security of peacekeepers.

For Improving safety and security of peacekeepers; first of its kind Resolution 2518 adopted
To ensure safety and security of the peacekeepers, the UNSC has unanimously adopted a first of its kind Resolution 2518. The resolution was sponsored by China and co-sponsored by 43 countries.

  • It covers areas such as training, health, technology, partnerships, including strengthening training system, improving health security and relief capabilities, requiring peacekeeping missions to strengthen communication with host countries and build mutual trust, improving the level of technology application, strengthening coordination mechanism arrangements, and supporting the African Union and other regional organizations’ capacity-building through partnerships.
  • There are currently more than 95,000 peacekeepers on active duty in 13 mission areas.

Point to be noted:
The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the UN which is crucial for the implementation of the “Action for Peace” initiative.

About UNSC:
Establishment– 1945
Headquarter– New York, United States (US)
Member Nations– 15 (Not India)