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Union Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the National Super Computing Mission

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Union Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the National Super Computing Mission on 25 March 2015. 

Points to Remeber:

  • National Super Computing Mission aims at bringing the High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities within the reach of the scientific community by indigenous super computing infrastructure.
  • The mission will be implemented at an estimated cost of 4500 crore rupees over a period of seven years.
  • The mission will be jointly implemented by
    • the Department of Science and Technology (DST)
    • Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) through the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)
    • The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore .
  • A vast super computing grid comprising of more than 70 High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities will be established in national academic and Research and Development (R&D) Institutions across the county.
  • The grid will be connected with the computing infrastructure set up under the National Knowledge Network (NKN).
  • Advanced HPC facilities will be developed using indigenous resources to make the intended super computing grid operational.
  • The above two components are in tune with Digital India and Make in India initiatives of the Union government.
  • The mission also intends to develop applications of national relevance by using these new facilities.


The successful implementation of the mission is necessary to sustain India’s growth momentum because its complex problems like climate change, energy deficit, shortage of life saving drugs, high defense imports can be addressed only through advancements in science and technology for which development of  super computing facilities is essential.