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Union Cabinet approves MoU between UPSC and Bhutan’s Royal Civil Service Commission

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Following the Memorandum of Understanding signed between, Now, Union Government approved MoU between Union Public Service Commission and Royal Civil Service Commission, Bhutan


  • Will tighten the relationship between Royal Civil Service Commission, Bhutan and Union Public Service Commission
  • It will support sharing of experience and capability of both the parties in the area of recruitment process
  • To enhance institutionalized linkage between the Public Service commission of both nations

Fields of Collaboration:

  1. Sharing of experience and proficiencies in Civil Service matters
  2. Recruitment and selection
  3. Exchange of resource persons
  4. Development of professional skills of the officers
  5. Staff of the parties through attachment and training programs
  6. Sharing of expertise on use of Information Technology (IT)
  7. Examination procedures
  8. Computer Based Recruitment Tests and Examinations
  9. Single Window System for speedy scrutiny
  10. Fast Track disposal of cases
  11. Building merit based staffing system

Sharing of audit of policies and procedures followed by Various Government offices related to recruitment for posts under the delegated powers

Digitization of records, storage and display of historical records

About Bhutan

  • Capital: Thimphu
  • King: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
  • Prime minister: Tshering Tobgay
  • Currencies: Bhutanese ngultrum
  • Official language:    Dzongkha