Hi Aspirants / Readers
Here we have collected some important Phobias(Intense Fear of). We hope, it will help you in upcoming exams.
Name of Phobia | Fear of |
Ablutophobia | Fear of washing or bathing. |
Acarophobia | Fear of itching |
Achluophobia | Fear of darkness. |
Acousticophobia | Fear of noise. |
Acrophobia | Fear of heights. |
Aerophobia | Fear of drafts |
Aeroacrophobia | Fear of open high places. |
Agliophobia | Fear of pain. |
Ailurophobia | Fear of cats. |
Alektorophobia | Fear of chickens. |
Algophobia | Fear of pain. |
Altophobia | Fear of heights. |
Amathophobia | Fear of dust. |
Ancraophobia | Fear of wind |
Androphobia | Fear of men. |
Anthrophobia | Fear of flowers. |
Anthropophobia | Fear of people or society. |
Antlophobia | Fear of floods. |
Apiphobia | Fear of bees. |
Arsonphobia | Fear of fire. |
Atychiphobia | Fear of failure. |
Aulophobia | Fear of flutes. |
Aurophobia | Fear of gold. |
Aviophobia | Fear of flying. |
Bacteriophobia | Fear of bacteria. |
Ballistophobia | Fear of missiles or bullets. |
Bathophobia | Fear of depth. |
Bibliophobia | Fear of books. |
Botanophobia | Fear of plants. |
Brontophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning |
Cacophobia | Fear of ugliness. |
Cainophobia | Fear of newness, novelty. |
Cardiophobia | Fear of the heart. |
Carnophobia | Fear of meat. |
Cathisophobia | Fear of sitting. |
Catoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors. |
Cenophobia | Fear of new things or ideas. |
Chaetophobia | Fear of hair. |
Cheimaphobia | Fear of cold. |
Chionophobia | Fear of snow. |
Chiraptophobia | Fear of being touched. |
Chiroptophobia | Fear of bats. |
Cholerophobia | Fear of anger or the fear of cholera. |
Chorophobia | Fear of dancing. |
Chrometophobia | Fear of money. |
Chromophobia | Fear of colors. |
Chronophobia | Fear of time. |
Chronomentrophobia | Fear of clocks. |
Cibophobia | Fear of food |
Cryophobia | Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost. |
Crystallophobia | Fear of crystals or glass. |
Cyberphobia | Fear of computers or working on a computer. |
Cyclophobia | Fear of bicycles. |
Cynophobia | Fear of dogs or rabies. |
Decidophobia | Fear of making decisions. |
Demophobia | Fear of crowds |
Dendrophobia | Fear of trees. |
Dipsophobia | Fear of drinking. |
Dystychiphobia | Fear of accidents. |
Ecclesiophobia | Fear of church. |
Ecophobia | Fear of home. |
Electrophobia | Fear of electricity. |
Eleutherophobia | Fear of freedom. |
Elurophobia | Fear of cats. |
Emetophobia | Fear of vomiting. |
Enetophobia | Fear of pins. |
Entomophobia | Fear of insects. |
Epistemophobia | Fear of knowledge. |
Equinophobia | Fear of horses. |
Febriphobia | Fear of fever. |
Frigophobia | Fear of cold |
Galeophobia | Fear of cats. |
Gamophobia | Fear of marriage. |
Geliophobia | Fear of laughter. |
Genuphobia | Fear of knees. |
Geumaphobia | Fear of taste. |
Glossophobia | Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. |
Hadephobia | Fear of hell. |
Hagiophobia | Fear of saints or holy things. |
Hamartophobia | Fear of sinning. |
Hedonophobia | Fear of feeling pleasure. |
Heliophobia | Fear of the sun. |
Hemophobia | Fear of blood. |
Hodophobia | Fear of road travel. |
Hormephobia | Fear of shock. |
Homichlophobia | Fear of fog. |
Hylophobia | Fear of forests. |
Hypengyophobia | Fear of responsibility. |
Ichthyophobia | Fear of fish. |
Ideophobia | Fear of ideas. |
Iophobia | Fear of poison. |
Judeophobia | Fear of Jews. |
Koinoniphobia | Fear of rooms. |
Kynophobia | Fear of rabies. |
Kyphophobia | Fear of stooping. |
Lachanophobia | Fear of vegetables. |
Laliophobia or Lalophobia | Fear of speaking. |
Limnophobia | Fear of lakes. |
Logophobia | Fear of words. |
Melissophobia | Fear of bees. |
Metallophobia | Fear of metal. |
Mnemophobia | Fear of memories. |
Myrmecophobia | Fear of ants. |
Necrophobia | Fear of death or dead things. |
Nelophobia | Fear of glass. |
Nephophobia | Fear of clouds. |
Noctiphobia | Fear of the night. |
Nomatophobia | Fear of names. |
Nosocomephobia | Fear of hospitals. |
Ochophobia | Fear of vehicles. |
Octophobia | Fear of the figure 8. |
Oneirophobia | Fear of dreams. |
Ophidiophobia | Fear of snakes. |
Ornithophobia | Fear of birds. |
Papaphobia | Fear of the Pope. |
Papyrophobia | Fear of paper. |
Pediophobia | Fear of dolls. |
Pedophobia | Fear of children. |
Phasmophobia | Fear of ghosts. |
Photophobia | Fear of light. |
Phronemophobia | Fear of thinking. |
Potophobia | Fear of alcohol. |
Pharmacophobia | Fear of drugs. |
Psychophobia | Fear of mind. |
Pyrophobia | Fear of fire. |
Quadraphobia | Fear of the number four. |
Quintaphobia | Fear of the number five. |
Radiophobia | Fear of radiation, x-rays |
Ranidaphobia | Fear of frogs. |
Scolionophobia | Fear of school. |
Selenophobia | Fear of the moon. |
Siderophobia | Fear of stars. |
Somniphobia | Fear of sleep. |
Suriphobia | Fear of mice. |
Syngenesophobia | Fear of relatives. |
Tachophobia | Fear of speed. |
Technophobia | Fear of technology. |
Telephonophobia | Fear of telephones. |
Thaasophobia | Fear of sitting. |
Thalassophobia | Fear of the sea. |
Theophobia | Fear of gods or religion. |
Thermophobia | Fear of heat. |
Traumatophobia | Fear of injury. |
Tuberculophobia | Fear of tuberculosis. |
Uranophobia | Fear of heaven. |
Vaccinophobia | Fear of vaccination. |
Verbophobia | Fear of words. |
Vestiphobia | Fear of clothing. |
Walloonphobia | Fear of the Walloons. |
Xenoglossophobia | Fear of foreign languages. |
Xenophobia | Fear of strangers or foreigners. |
Xerophobia | Fear of dryness. |
Xyrophobia | Fear of razors. |
Zelophobia | Fear of jealousy. |
Zeusophobia | Fear of God or gods. |
Zoophobia | Fear of animals. |
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