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International Day of the Girl Child 2024- October 11

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International Day of the Girl Child - October 11 2024The United Nations (UN’s) International Day of the Girl Child (IDGC) is annually observed globally on October 11 to address the challenges faced by girls and to promote their empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.

  • The 2024 International Day of the Girl theme is ‘Girls’ vision for the future’.
  • The theme conveys two ideas such as the need for urgent action and persistent hope.It focuses on the importance of immediate action, along with the belief that girls, with their powerful voice and vision for the future,can lead the way toward positive change.

Note: At present, nearly 1 in 5 girls are not completing lower secondary school and nearly 4 in 10 girls are not completing upper secondary school.


In 1995, the World Conference on Women was held in Beijing, China where the UN adopted the “Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action”, the most progressive blueprint ever devised for advancing not only women’s rights but also the rights of girls.The Beijing Declaration notably stands out as the first to specifically call out girls’ rights.

i.On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution A/RES/66/170 and declared October 11 of every year as the International Day of the Girl Child(IDGC).

  • The IDGC focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

ii.The first International Day of the Girl Child was observed on 11 October 2012.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals :

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in 2015, outlined sustainable progress for everyone.

i.To achieve all these goals,gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential.

ii.Upholding the rights of women and girls is significant for ensuring justice and inclusion, balanced economies, and a sustaining environment for future generations.

iii.UN Women Strategic Plan 2022–2025 sets a vision and roadmap for supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) by 2030.

Over 370 Million Girls and Women Globally Affected by Childhood Sexual Violence

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) released its ‘First global and regional estimates on sexual violence against children’, published before the International Day of the Girl Child. It highlights the scale of the violation worldwide, especially for adolescent girls, often with lifelong consequences.

  • These findings come ahead of the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Violence Against Children, which will take place in Colombia , on November 7-8, 2024.

i.As per the above published report, more than 370 million girls and women – or 1 in 8 -experienced rape or sexual assault before the age of 18.

When ‘non-contact’ forms of sexual violence, such as online or verbal abuse are included, the number of girls and women affected rises to 650 million globally or 1 in 5.

ii.Sexual violence against children has increased globally, Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest number of victims, with 79 million girls and women affected (22%), followed by 75 million in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia (8 %), 73 million in Central and Southern Asia (9%), 68 million in Europe and Northern America (14%).

iii.Although more girls and women are affected, an estimated 240 to 310 million boys and men(around 1 in 11), have experienced rape or sexual assault during childhood.

iv.This estimate rises to between 410 and 530 million when non-contact forms are included.

About United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Purpose – To provide humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.
Current Executive Director(CEO) – Catherine Russell
Headquarters – New York, the United States of America (USA)
Founded – 1946.