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International Day of Living Together in Peace 2024 – May 16

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International Day of Living Together in PeaceThe United Nations (UN) International Day of Living Together in Peace is annually observed across the globe on 16 May to mobilise the efforts of global communities to promote peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding, and solidarity.


This day aims to promote unity and cooperation despite differences and diversity and encourage building a sustainable world filled with peace, solidarity, and harmony.


i.On 8 December 2017, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution A/RES/72/130 and declared 16 May of every year as the International Day of Living Together in Peace.

ii.The first-ever International Day of Living Together in Peace was observed on 16 May 2018.

Key Initiatives for Peace:

i.In 1997, the UNGA adopted the resolution A/RES/52/15 and proclaimed the year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace.

ii.In 1998, UNGA proclaimed the period from 2001-2010 as the “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World.”

iii.In 1999, the UNGA adopted the resolution A/RES/53/243 titled “Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.”

  • This initiative provides a universal mandate for the international community, particularly the UN, to foster a culture of peace and non-violence for the benefit of all humanity, including future generations.

Note: The UN was established post-World War II (WWII) to prevent future conflicts and aims to solve international problems and promote human rights without discrimination.

About United Nations (UN):
Secretary-General– António Guterres
Headquarters– New York, United States of America (USA)
Established in– 1945