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India sets the target to produce 100GW by 2047: AEC Chairman

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India eyes 100 GW nuclear power by 2047On the sidelines of launch of the report titled Synchronizing energy transitions towards possible Net-Zero for India: Affordable and Clean Energy for All, AK Mohanty, Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) mentioned that India aims to produce 100 GigaWatt(GW) of nuclear power by 2047.

Key People: The report was launched in the presence of important dignitaries such as: Dr V.K. Saraswat, member, NITI(National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chancellor, Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI)

Key Findings of Report:

i.The Department of Atomic Energy(DAE) is preparing a vision document for “Amrit Kaal” which aims to achieve a nuclear capacity of about 1 lakh MegaWatt (MW) by 2047.

ii.The breed reactors would help to generate 3GW of nuclear power.

  • Light reactors built with international cooperation would generate 17.6 GW of nuclear power
  • While, pressurised heavy water reactors would generate about 40 to 45 GW of nuclear power.

iii.The report suggested that if India aimed to phase down coal usage in next 30 years then it requires building suitable infrastructure for alternative sources such as: nuclear power.

  • Also, it requires setting up flexible grid infrastructure and storage to support the integration of renewable energy.

iv.Electricity consumption of end-users will increase from 18%( at present) to 47-52%  electricity share in Total Final Electricity Consumption(TFEC).

v.India’s emissions would range between 0.56 billion-tonne of carbon dioxide (btCO2 )and 1.0 btCO2 in 2070.

vi.During 2020-2070, Government needs financial funding of about Rs 150 -200 lakh crore i.e. USD 40 to 50 billion per year

About “Synchronizing energy transitions towards possible Net-Zero for India: Affordable and Clean Energy for All” report:

i.Professor Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India (GoI) released the report on 3rd April, 2024 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, Delhi.

ii.The report was prepared by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Note: It was a part of study project, sanctioned by Office of PSA to GoI in November, 2021.

iii.The report is largely funded by Office of Principal Security Advisor(PSA) to GoI and received partly-funding from Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited(NPCIL).

About Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) of India:
Chairman: Ajit Kumar Mohanty
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Established: 1948