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India ranked 113 out of 176 countries in End of Childhood Index 2019

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According to the 3rd End of Childhood Index 2019, a part of Changing Lives in Our Lifetime – Global Childhood Report 2019, India was ranked 113 in 176 countries on the wellbeing of children with 769 score out of 1000. The Index was released on May 28, 2019 by ‘Save the Children’, a United Kingdom (UK) based non-profit organisation which works for child End of Childhood Index

Key Points:

  • In 2018, India was ranked 116 among 172 countries.
  • Countries were evaluated on 8 parameters on the well being of those up to 19 years of age namely child mortality, malnutrition, lack of education, child labour, early marriage, adolescent birth, displacement by conflict and child homicide. They were scored out of 1000.
  • The Index was topped by Singapore with the score of 989 and 8 European countries figured among the top 10. South Korea stood at the 10th position.
  • The last rank was given to Central African Republic which scored 394.
  • When compared with the neighbouring countries, India ranked fourth, behind Bhutan (98), Sri Lanka (56) and China (36).
  • In 2019, the rate of child marriage was reduced by 25% globally.
  • Developed countries made more modest gains. The biggest score increases were witnessed in Latvia and Estonia (both up 40 points from 927 to 967) and Lithuania (up 39 points from 934 to 973).

Top 10 Countries:

9South Korea

Bottom 10 Countries:

167Burkina Faso
168DR Congo
172South Sudan
176Central African Republic

Key facts about India:

  • As per the Index, India had improved on child mortality from 39 deaths per 1000 live births in 2017. It was 88 deaths per 1,000 live births in year 2000. It was reduced by 55%.
  • More than 38% Indian children aged 0-59 months were stunted, it is the second-worst performance compared to its neighbours after Pakistan (40.8%). China (6%) had the lowest rate in the region, followed by Nepal (13.8%), Sri Lanka (17.3%), Bangladesh (17.4%) and Bhutan (19.1%).
  • In India, every fifth child was out of school at primary and secondary levels and more than 11% in the 5-17 age groups were child labourers.
  • Child Marriage rate in India was down with 51% since 2000 and 63% since 1990. At present, there are three million fewer teen births when compared to 2000 worldwide. India had cut the teenage birth rate by 63% since 2000 and 75% since 1990. It accounted for two million fewer teen births in the country.
  • Since 2000, India’s score has improved by 137 points. It scored 632 in 2000, compared to 769 in 2019.

About Save the Children:
 Founded: April 15, 1919
 Headquarters: London, UK