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English Questions: Vocabulary set- 41

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Hello Aspirants.
Welcome to Online English Section with explanation in Here we are providing some difficult words from Editorials, which is important for IBPS PO/CLERK/LIC AAO/RRB & SSC CGL EXAM and other !!!

  1. Ubiquitous – omnipresent, सर्वव्यापी

Meaning – present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Usage – “his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family”

Synonyms – omnipresent, ever-present, present everywhere, everywhere, all-over, all over the place, pervasive, all-pervasive, universal, worldwide, global; rife, prevalent, predominant etc.

2. Inclination – tendency, इरादा

Meaning – a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Usage – “John was a scientist by training and inclination”

Synonyms – tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning; predisposition, disposition, predilection, weakness, proneness; desire, wish, readiness, impulse; bent etc.

3. Fugacious – temporary, अस्थायी रूप से

Meaning – tending to disappear

Synonyms – fleeting.

Usage – “she was acutely conscious of her fugacious youth”

4. Rhetoric – empty words, शब्दाड़म्बर

Meaning – the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.

Synonyms – oratory, eloquence, power of speech, command of language, expression, way with words, delivery, diction etc.

Usage – “he was considered to excel in this form of rhetoric”

5. Staggeringly – hugely, अत्यधिकता

Meaning – walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.

Usage – “he staggered to his feet, swaying a little”

Synonyms – lurch, walk unsteadily, reel, sway, teeter, totter, stumble, wobble, move clumsily, weave, flounder, falter, pitch, roll etc.

6. Inclination – tendency, इरादा

Meaning – a person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Usage – “John was a scientist by training and inclination”

Synonyms – tendency, propensity, proclivity, leaning; predisposition, disposition, predilection, weakness, proneness; desire, wish, readiness, impulse; bent; archaiclist, humour; rarevelleity etc.

7. Jeer – ताना मारना

Meaning – make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

Usage – “some of the younger men jeered at him”

synonyms – taunt, mock, scoff at, ridicule, laugh at, sneer at, deride, tease, insult, abuse, jibe (at), scorn, shout disapproval (at); heckle, interrupt, shout at/down, hector, catcall (at), boo (at), hoot at, whistle at, hiss (at), blow raspberries (at); informalknock, give someone a hard time etc.

8. Hostility – enmity, शत्रुता

Meaning – hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition.

Usage – “their hostility to all outsiders”

synonyms – antagonism, unfriendliness, bitterness, malevolence, malice, unkindness, spite, spitefulness, rancour, rancorousness, venom, wrath, anger, hatred; aggression, aggressiveness, belligerence, bellicosity, pugnaciousness, militancy, truculence, warlikeness etc.

9. tumultuous – unquiet, अशान्त

Meaning – making an uproar or loud, confused noise.

Usage – a tumultuous crowd.

synonyms – loud, deafening, thunderous, thundering, ear-shattering, ear-splitting, ear-piercing, uproarious, noisy, clamorous, vociferous etc.

10. grapple – deal, सामना

Meaning – engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle.

Usage – an instrument for seizing hold of something; a grappling hook.

synonyms – wrestle, struggle, tussle etc.