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Day of the Seafarer 2024 – June 25

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Day of the Seafarer - June 25 2024The United Nations (UN)’s Day of the Seafarer (DotS) (also known as the International Day of the Seafarer) is annually observed across the globe on 25 June to acknowledge the crucial role Seafarers play in international maritime trade and the global economy.

  • 25th June 2024 marks the observance of the 14th edition of the Day of the Seafarer.
  • The annual observance of the DotS is led by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Note: IMO is a specialised UN agency responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent pollution from ships.

2024 DotS campaign:

The 2024 DotS campaign focuses on the invaluable contributions of seafarers to maritime safety. #SafetyTipsAtSea is the new hashtag for the 2024 campaign.


i.The Manila Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) were adopted by resolutions 1 and 2, respectively, by a Conference of Parties to the STCW Convention, held in Manila, Philippines, from 21 to 25 June 2010

ii.The resolution adopted by the 2010 diplomatic conference proclaimed the 25th june of every year as the Day of the Seafarer.

iii.The 1st ever DotS was observed on 25th June 2011.

Note: The 2010 amendments entered into force on 1 January 2012 under the tacit acceptance procedure.

Why 25 June?

25 June was chosen to celebrate DotS, marking the adoption date of the Manila amendments in 2010.

Note: The STCW Convention, was adopted by the International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers on 7th July 1978 at London (United Kingdom (UK) and entered into force worldwide in 1984.


i.DotS celebrates the dedication and professionalism of the world’s 2 million seafarers, who ensure the safe movement of over 80% of the volume of world trade, delivering vital goods, including food, fuel, and medical supplies.

Who is a Seafarer?

i.A seafarer is someone employed to serve aboard any type of marine vessel, encompassing a diverse range of roles and responsibilities.

ii.The diverse roles in Seafaring are:

  • Seafarers undertake various tasks crucial for maritime operations.
  • Roles include deck officers, engineers, and support staff.
  • Responsibilities can range from navigation to maintenance and logistics.

About the International Maritime Organization (IMO):
The convention for establishing IMO was adpted in 1948 and came into force in 1958.
Secretary-General– Arsenio Dominguez (Republic of Panama)
Headquarters– London, The United Kingdom(UK)