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AID to urban poor!! 81,757 houses in 7 states

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In a bid to benefit urban poor under the PM’s Awas Yojana (Urban), Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation accredited construction of 81,757 houses for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) in urban areas in 7 states.
(Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation – M.Venkaiah Naidu)

Project OutlayRs. 4, 076 cr

  • From total oultay Ministry will infuse central assistance of 1,226 cr @ Rs.1.50 lakh per each house.
  • 163 cities of selected 7 states will be covered under the benefit urban poor project.

AID to urban poor!! 81,757 houses in 7 statesThe total houses sanctioned Housing for All initiative of the Government will be built under two components viz.

  1. Beneficary Led Construction – Out of total houses sanctioned, 58,456 houses will be built under this component. As a part of this, beneficiaries will build new houses on their own land with assistance from central and state governments.
  2. Affordable Housing in Partnership – Rest 23,301 houses will be built on the terms that state governments will provide land and the central government gives an assistance of 1.50 lakh per each beneficiary.

State-wise Sanctioning of Houses

West Bengal27,83038

With this sanction, govt has reached a total sanctioning of 5.07 lakh houses for economically weaker sections in 13 states with a total central assistance of Rs.7, 519 cr.