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Facebook and Reliance Communication bring to India

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Reliance Communications and Facebook have partnered together to bring to India. is Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg’s initiative to provide free internet to mobile phone users in developing countries. The motto of is “Internet for All“.

The app, is aimed at low income and rural users. It will offer access to more than 30 web services such as Facebook, job listings, healthcare, News and education sites, which are available to Android users. These services will be available in several Indian languages including English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Gujarati and Marathi.

In India, and the services mentioned above are only available to Reliance customers. In the first phase this service has gone live in states such as Mumbai, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Chennai and Kerala. In second phase, this service will be launched across India by May 2015.

Knowledge is Wealth

  • Vinton Gray is recognized as one of “the fathers of the Internet”. 
  • The inventor of World Wide Web is Tim Berners Lee. 
  • Christopher Latham Sholes of United States invented the first practical typewriter and the QWERTY keyboard still in use today.
  • Mouse was invented by Douglas Carl Engelbart of United States. 
  • The JavaScript Programming Language was created by Brendan Eich. He also co-founded the Mozilla Project.Â