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India, Singapore agreed to enhance scale of Military interaction

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India and Singapore had the first dialogue between their defence ministers and they agreed to enhance the scale and complexity of existing bilateral military interaction.

Delegates: Indian Government Defence Minister: ManoharParrikar

Singapore Defence Minister: Ng Eng Henind-sing

Focus: Bilateral defence Cooperation to the highest level

Points by Manohar Parrikar:

  • Agreed to expand the interaction between the Armed Forces and Defence Research and Development
  • Industry participation under Make In India
  • Scope and complexity of the interaction between the armed forces would be enhanced
  • Collaborate between Industries through

Make in India:

Industry to Industry Cooperation:

  • Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) working with a Singapore research agency on research-oriented projects

Points by Ng:

  • Agreed to work towards renewal of agreements for training of Singapore armed forces in India from 2017 and 2018
  • Singapore and Indian armed forces cooperateregularly
  • Both Nations intended to expand the complexity and engagement under the revised defence Cooperation agreement
  • Committed to enhance the scale and complexity of existing bilateral exercises between the militaries

Emphasis of Minister:

  • To have international cooperation in tackling transnational security threats
  • Strongly condemned terrorism and renewed their commitment to cooperation in counterterrorism efforts
  • Safeguarding maritime security in international waterways

About Singapore:
♦ President: Tony Tan
♦ Prime Minister: Lee HsienLoong
♦ Currency: Singapore dollar
♦ Official languages: English, Tamil, Malay, Standard Mandarin