Current Affairs PDF

Mhara Gaon-Jagmag Gaon scheme for supplying uninterrupted power

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The Haryana government will launch “Mhara Gaon-Jagmag Gaon” scheme.

The aim of which is to supply uninterrupted power to rural consumers besides strengthening distribution network and realising outstanding payments.

The scheme will be launched on July 1, according to which 83 constituencies out of the 90 all over the state, with rural domestic supply (RDS) feeder will be benefited and the power supply of the selected village will be immediately increased from existing 12 hours to 15 hours.

There will be replacement of defective meters and shifting of existing ones outside the premises of consumers besides replacement of naked wires with Aerial Bunched Cable, the supply would be increased from 15 hours to 18 hours per day.

After the improvement in billing and collection efficiency the supply time will be increased to 21 hours a day.

According to the scheme Bijli Panchayats will be held in every constituency for release of new connections, replacement of defective/damaged electro-mechanical meters, correction of erroneous bills and regularisation of unauthorised loads.