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World Trauma Day 2020: October 17

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World Trauma Day

World Trauma Day is observed annually on October 17 to create awareness about the increasing rate of accidents and injuries that cause death and disability globally. The day also highlights the  need to prevent trauma.


The day was created to decrease the number of accidents in India and other countries around the world.


The day was first observed in 2011 in New Delhi, with The Trauma Society of South Africa joining the year after.

Estimates in India

i.As per the National Crime Bureau Record(NCRB), in 2019 nearly 1.5 lakh people died due to road accidents in India. The record also states that India records the highest number of road accident fatalities in the world, at 25.3 per 10,000 people.

ii.One million people die every year in India and 20 million are hospitalized due to injuries.

iii.About 90% of these deaths occur in countries with low and middle incomes.

WHO Estimates

i.As per World Health Organization (WHO), trauma is the major cause of death and disability globally.

ii.WHO research shows that effective intervention including immediate pre-hospital care can prevent 50% of such deaths in developing countries.


  • Over 400 people lose their life due to road accidents in India.
  • About 5 million people die every year, from injuries around the world.

What is Trauma?

Trauma means ‘any injury caused to the body’  due to many reasons like road accidents, domestic violence,natural disasters, etc., against vulnerable populations including women, children and elderly.

Key Info about Trauma

i.A person can also  experience trauma as a response to any event that they find emotionally or physically threatening or painful.

ii.Losing a loved one can also lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

iii.In most of the rural and semi-rural regions, trauma care is not being done.

iv.Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is the primary cause of trauma globally.