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World Migratory Bird Day 2024 – May 11

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World Migratory Bird Day - May 11 2024World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD), the United Nations (UN)-backed campaign is biannually observed across the globe on the 2nd Saturday in May and October, to raise awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them and their habitats.

  • WMBD educates and promotes conservation efforts for migratory birds and their journeys. It also raises awareness about the challenges faced by the migratory birds.

WMBD 2024 falls on 11th May 2024 and 12th October 2024.

  • WMBD 2023 was observed on 13th May 2023 and 14th October 2023.
  • WMBD 2025 will be observed on 10th May 2025 and 11th October 2025.


i.The theme of WMBD 2024 is, “Protect Insects, Protect Birds

ii.The 2024 theme raised awareness of the importance of insects, to educating, and learning.


i.International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD), now WMBD, was created in the USA in 1993 by visionaries at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center.

ii.It is organised by a collaborative partnership among 2 UN treaties –the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS); the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), and Environment for the Americas (EFTA).

iii.On the occasion of its 10th anniversary in 2005, the AEWA Secretariat initiated the Migratory Waterbird Days (MWD) which were held in Africa, Europe, and parts of Asia.

iv.The 1st ever WMBD was launched by AEWA and CMS on the weekend of 8-9 April 2006 on Ms. Kuki Gallmann’s famous wildlife reserve ‘Ole Ari Nyiro’ in Laikipia, Kenya.

v.In 2023, the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) was added to this Partnership to strengthen engagement and awareness for migratory birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.

Why May and October?

I.WMBD annually celebrated on the 2nd Saturday in May and October aligns with the cyclic nature of bird migration in different hemispheres.

ii.2nd Saturday of May is celebrated in Canada and the United States of America (USA) and the 2nd Saturday of October is celebrated in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean.


i.For the first time, the 2024 theme of the WMBD campaign focused on the importance of insects for migratory birds and highlighted concerns related to decreasing populations of insects.

ii.The 2024 observance emphasised the conservation efforts that include:

  • Reducing pesticide use and promoting organic farming; and
  • Maintain and connect natural habitats to provide food and shelter for birds and other species in agricultural landscapes.

Note: The 2024 events of WMBD, the phenomenon of bird migration, and the connections between birds and insects took place across the world’s flyways on 11 May 2024.

The Importance of Insects to Migratory Birds:

i.Insects serve as vital energy sources for migratory birds throughout their journeys.

ii.Peak insect abundance coincides with bird migration, aiding in replenishing energy reserves.

Threats to Migratory Birds:

i.Loss and disturbance of insect populations due to habitat transformation and urban development.

ii.Harmful effects of pesticides and herbicides on insect populations and subsequently on birds.

iii.The scarcity of insects leads to weakened immune systems and reduced reproductive success in birds.

Ecosystem Impacts:

i.Birds contribute to pollination and pest control, essential for maintaining ecosystem balance.

ii.Disruption in insect populations can lead to outbreaks harmful to plant health and agriculture.

Key Points:

i.An analysis in the journal Science revealed an alarming decline of approximately 9% in the global insect population per decade.

ii.Factors include deforestation, pesticide use, light pollution, and climate change.

iii.The USA and Canada have witnessed a 29% drop in bird populations since 1970, equating to around 2.9 billion fewer birds.