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World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2024 – March 20

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World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People - March 20 2024World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People is annually observed across the globe on 20 March to draw the public’s attention to the art of theater for children and young people and highlight the importance and impact of theater for young people in communities.

  • The Day aims to raise awareness of the transformative power of theatre and performing arts in nurturing creativity, imagination, and empathy among young audiences.
  • The Day is a campaign led by the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ International).

The Day is promoted and celebrated through the message ‘Take a Child to the Theatre, Today’.

Objective of the Campaign:

The campaign aims to enhance access to theatre for children and young people worldwide.

  • It acknowledges the dual role of adults, the ones who care for the child or young person and the ones who enable their access to culture.


i.The Day serves as a platform for professionals, educators, and artists to advocate for children’s rights to access quality theatre and performing arts experiences.

ii.It highlights the role of theatre in enriching lives through self-expression, learning, and cultural enrichment.

iii.It emphasises the need for collaboration and exchange among theatre and performing arts practitioners globally.

iv.It recognises children’s rights to participate in and experience the arts and aims to ensure equal access to transformative theatre experiences.

v.It promotes access to quality theatre experiences for children, encourages creativity and imagination, and fosters empathy and understanding among young audiences.

vi.Each year ASSITEJ National Centres across the world deliver a wide range of activities such as conferences, performances, workshops, and special media events connected to the #TakeAChildToTheTheatre campaign message.

World Performance Week:

World Performance Week is a concept initiated by ASSITEJ International, in partnership with other international associations involved with different art forms related to live performances that celebrate their World Days between March 20th and March 27th.

World Days between March 20 and March 27 are,

i.March 20th- ASSITEJ World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People (and the campaign “Take a Child to the Theatre”);

ii.March 21st- Union Internationale de la Marionnette (UNIMA) World Puppetry Day;

iii.March 22nd- World Mime Organisation‘s World Mime Day; and

iv.March 27th- International Theatre Institute’s (ITI) World Theatre Day.

Understanding Children’s Theatre:

i.Theatre For Young Audiences (TYA) is a branch of theater that encompasses 3 main types:

  • Theatre for Young People- plays meant to be watched by young people aged between 0-18 years;
  • Theatre with Young People- theatre made with young people aged 8-16 years; and
  • Youth Theatre- young people aged 16 and above making theatre.

ii.ASSITEJ International serves as a global platform promoting TYA. Programs like Small Size focus on early childhood learning (0-6 years) through performing arts.

  • While its International Theatre For Young Audiences Research Network advances TYA academically.

About International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ International):
The ASSITEJ International Secretariat is located in Copenhagen, Denmark, while the registered office is in Bologna, Italy.
President– Sue Giles (ASSITEJ Australia (Theatre Network Australia))
Secretary General– Louis Valente Sørensen (ASSITEJ Denmark)
Founded in– 1965