RTI activist Subhash Chandra Agrawal has been conferred with the Giraffe Hero Award 2015. The award is given by the US-based voluntary association set-up by a former US-diplomat and citizen activist.
The Giraffe Heroes Project (GHP) honors the people who take risks and have courage to stick their necks out for the welfare of the people in the US and around the world. Subash Chandra Agrawal holds Guinness record of filing highest number of published letters to the editors of various Newspapers.
Knowledge is Wealth
The Right to Information Act applies to all states and Union Territories except Jammu and Kashmir.
The RTI Act was enacted in the year 2005.
Time limit to reply for the request is
- 30 days for Public Information Officer.
- 35 days for Assistant Public Information Officer.
In case of a matter of life and death, information should be provided within 48 hours.
The first Central Chief Information Commissioner was Wajahat Habibullah.