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National Statistics Day 2024 – June 29

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National Statistics Day - June 29 2024

National Statistics Day (Statistics Day) is annually observed across India on 29 June to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of statisticians in India and popularise statistics as a field of study and its significance in socio-economic planning, policy-making, and daily life.

  • This Day is also celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of an eminent statistician (Late) Professor Prasanta Chandra (PC) Mahalanobis, also known as the ‘Father of Modern Statistics in India.’
  • 29 June 2024 marks the observance of the 18th National Statistics Day.

The 2024 theme of National Statistics Day is, “Use of Data for Decision Making.”

Note: The 2024 theme highlights the impact of statistics on sustainable development and innovation across diverse sectors.


i.National Statistics Day aims to recognise Professor P.C. Mahalanobis’ invaluable contributions to statistical development and economic planning.

ii.This day also encourages individuals to learn and understand how statistics is  used to assist in developing and defining the country’s policies.

iii.This day raises awareness of the role of official statistics in nationwide progress by conducting seminars, conferences, discussions, and contests.

iv.This day demonstrates the diverse applications of statistics across various sectors, emphasising its application in governance and daily activities.


On 5th June, 2007, The Government of India (GoI) has officially designated 29th June every year, coinciding with P.C. Mahalanobis‘ birth anniversary as the Statistics Day in the Special Days to be celebrated at the National Level.

  • The 1st National Statistics Day was commemorated on 29 June 2007.

About Professor Prasanta Chandra (PC) Mahalanobis:

i.PC Mahalanobis was born on 29 June 1893 in Calcutta (now Kolkata, West Bengal). In 1931, he founded the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), in Kolkata.

  • The ISI was recognised as an ‘Institution of National Importance‘ and permitted to award degrees in Statistics by the Indian Parliament Act in 1959.

ii.A Central Statistical Unit was established by the GoI in 1949 with Mahalanobis as Honorary Statistical Adviser to the Cabinet.

iii.He was instrumental in formulating India’s strategy for industrialisation in the 2nd 5-year plan (1956-1961). He passed away on 28 June 1972 in South Calcutta.

iv.In  1968, GoI honoured him with the ‘Padmavibhushan‘, for his contributions to Literature and Education services in India.

  • He also honoured with Officer of the Order of the British Empire(OBE) in 1942 and he was elected an Honorary Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge in 1959.

2024 Events:

The main event of National Statistics Day 2024 was organised at Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt, and New Delhi, Delhi.

Key Attendees:

Dr Arvind Panagariya (Chief Guest), Chairman of the 16th Finance Commission (FC); Prof. Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar, Chairman of the National Statistical Commission (NSC); and Dr. Saurabh Garg, Secretary of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI).

Event Highlights:

i.Release of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-National Indicator Framework (NIF) Progress Report, 2024; Data Snapshot on SDGs- NIF 2024 and and Sustainable Development Goals- National Indicator Framework, 2024 .

ii.Launch of the eSankhyiki data portal and Central Data Repository(CDR) for official statistics.

About the National Statistical Commission (NSC):
The GoI set up the NSC through a resolution dated June 1, 2005. The NSC was officially constituted on July 12, 2006. The establishment of the NSC was based on recommendations from the Rangarajan Commission.
Chairman– Prof. Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar
Headquarters– New Delhi, Delhi