Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented the National Bravery Awards 2014 to 24 Young Bravehearts of India. A total of 8 girls and 16 boys were conferred with the awards. The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash incentive. Also, they will participate in the Republic Day parade.
The award winners are
Sanjay Chopra Award – Devesh Kumar
Bapu Gaidhani Award – Monika, Rumoh Meto and Riya Chaudhary
Geeta Chopra Award – Gunjan Sharma
Bharat Award – Resham Fatma
General National Bravery Award – 18 Young People
Knowledge is Wealth
- The National Bravery Awards was initiated by the Indian Council for Child Welfare in 1957.
- Every year the GOI presents this award to 24 children. The award has been awarded to 895 children since it’s inception.
- Bharat Award is the highest of the National Bravery Awards.
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