Current Affairs PDF

Jamaica Decriminalizes the use and possession of Marijuana

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The Government of Jamaica has decriminalized the possession of marijuana up to 57 grams for personal, medical, and scientific use. Jamaica is the biggest Caribbean exporter of marijuana also known famously as the Ganja and the Cannabis to the United States. The measures to  decriminalize the possession were approved by the Jamaican cabinet last month and from its senate in February 2015.

Knowledge is Wealth

  • Marijuana is prepared from a plant called Cannabis, which has the psychoactive constituent – tetrahydrocannabinol. 
  • Uruguay was first country to approve the growth, distribution and sale of marijuana.
  • In USA, states like Alaska, Colorado, and Washington have legalized the use and sale of marijuana.
  • The other countries which decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana some years ago are Mexico, Columbia and Argentina.