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ISRO Successfully launched IRNSS-1D

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The first orbit raising operation of latest navigation satellite IRNSS-1D has been successfully completed on 29th March 2015. 

“First orbit raising operation of IRNSS-1D is successfully completed by firing the Apogee motor at 17.28 hours on March 29, 2015,” ISRO said on its website.

“India today successfully placed its navigation satellite in orbit – a big achievement for the country,” said Dr Kiran Kumar, Chairman, ISRO.

Points to Remember:

  • ISRO successfully launched the IRNSS-1D, the fourth in the series of seven navigation satellites on board its workhorse PSLV-C27 from the spaceport of Sriharikota.
  • ISRO has planned to launch the remaining three navigation satellites IRNSS-1E, 1F and 1G before the end of the next financial year.
  • IRNSS-1D which will provide navigation, tracking and mapping service and has a mission life of 10 years.
  • With the successful launch, the Indian space agency says very soon India’s own ‘GPS’ system will become operational. 
  • This navigation system has an accuracy of less than 20 meters, which is comparable to the best in the world.