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International Olympic Committee Announced the Winners of the Inaugural IOC Climate Action Awards 

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IOC Announces First-Ever Climate Action Awards WinnersThe International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the winners of the inaugural IOC Climate Action Awards, which recognise athletes, International Federations (IFs), and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) for their efforts to combat climate change.

  • IOC Climate Action Awards 2023 were awarded under 3 categories: sustainable travel, innovation, and athlete advocacy.

About IOC Climate Action Awards:

The IOC Climate Action Awards was introduced in November 2022, with the goal of highlighting how sport can play an essential part in addressing the climate issue.

  • More than 70 applications were received from across the Olympic Movement.
  • The 2023 awards are supported by Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Partners Airbnb, Deloitte and Procter & Gamble (P&G).

Winners of 2023 IOC Climate Action Awards:

Sustainable Travel Award:

The Airbnb supported Climate Action x Sustainable Travel Award acknowledges effective initiatives and campaigns to travel more sustainably within the sports calendar.

CategoryWinnerReason for Award
AthleteMarcus Mepstead
Fencing, United Kingdom (UK)
for developing an annual travel plan that reduces emissions.
IFWorld Sailing
World Governing body for the sport of sailing
for prioritising reducing organisational travel and new policies encouraging employees to use public transportation to minimise emissions.
NOCSpanish Olympic Committeefor promoting sustainable transportation as part of its strategy, which included the use of electric and hybrid vehicles from Worldwide Olympic Partner Toyota, as well as public transport for domestic travel.

Innovation Award:
The Deloitte supported Climate Action x Innovation Award recognises the unique and innovative ideas presented by athletes, IFs, and NOCs to help promote climate action.

CategoryWinnerReason for Award
AthletePaloma Schmidt
(Sailing, Peru)
For implementing  a number of waste-reduction measures as a member of the organising committee of the International Laser Class Association (ILCA) European Championships in Andora, Italy
IFWorld Rugby

Global governing body for rugby union

For launching “The Bag that Builds” in collaboration with the South African Rugby Union and the Centre for Regenerative Design & Collaboration (CRDC).
i.The innovative concept includes collecting waste generated by fans, athletes and operational workers during the Rugby World Cup Sevens 2022 for conversion into an eco-aggregate used for the construction of social homes in South Africa.
NOCColombian Olympic CommitteeFor creating a pilot effort to regulate, reduce, and advocate for carbon emissions during the 2021 National Sea and Beach Games in Tol (Coveas), Colombia.

Athlete Advocacy Award:

P&G supported Climate Action x Athlete Advocacy Award recognises athletes who actively engage individuals and communities in the campaign against climate change.

Winner: Ben Blankenship, a middle-distance athlete from the United States of America (USA).

  • He was recongnised for his work in promoting sustainability through the Endless Mileage Project, which plants trees for every American miler who breaks 4 minutes (men) or 4:30 minutes (women) in the event and redistributes used sports clothing and equipment to local schools.

Recent Related News:

i.International Olympic Day is annually celebrated across the world on 23rd June for the celebration of sport, health, and being together.The theme for International Olympic Day 2023 is ‘Let’s Move’ which emphasises daily physical activity to people around the world.

ii.The Indian team won 202 medals (including 76 Gold, 75 Silver, 51 Bronze) in Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 held in Berlin, Germany from 17th June 2023 to 25th June 2023.

About International Olympic Committee:
The International Olympic Committee is the administrator of the Olympic Games and the driving force behind the Olympic Movement.
President – Thomas Bach
Headquarters – Lausanne, Switzerland
Established – 1894