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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2023- November 25

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2023The United Nations (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is annually observed across the globe on 25 November to raise public awareness about the global problem of violence against women.

  • The Day also aims to prevent violence against women and promote basic human rights and gender equality.


i.On 7 February 2000, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the resolution A/RES/54/134 and proclaimed the 25 November of every year as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

ii.The first-ever International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was observed on 25 November 2000.

Why November 25?

i.Women’s rights activists across the globe have been observing 25 November as a day against GBV since 1981.

ii.This date was selected to honour the Mirabal sisters, namely Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa, political activists from the Dominican Republic

  • They were brutally murdered on 25 November 1960 for opposing the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961).
  • The sisters referred to as the “Inolvidables Mariposas”, the “Unforgettable Butterflies” have become a symbol against victimization of women.

About UNiTE Campaign:

The observance marks the launch of UNiTE campaign, a 16 days ((25th November – 10th December) of activism against Gender-based Violence (GBV), which concludes on International Human Rights Day (10 December).

  • The 2023 global theme of UNiTE campaign is, “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”.
  • The 2023 campaign uses #NoExcuse as a slogan and hashtag to call for financing different prevention strategies and transforming social norms to end violence against women and girls.


i.The campaign was started by activists at the inauguration of the Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991.

ii.Since 2008, The UNiTE campaign is annually led by the UN Secretary-General and UN Women.

Orange Day:

i.The UNiTE campaign has proclaimed the 25th of each month as “Orange Day”, a day to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls (VAWG).

ii.As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from VAWG.

Violence against women:

i.According to the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, adopted by the UNGA resolution A/RES/48/104 on 20 December 1993:

  • The term “violence against women” means any act of GBV that results in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm to women.
  • It extends to threats, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, irrespective of whether these acts occur in public or private life.

ii.The resolution paving the path toward eradicating violence against women and girls worldwide.

About UN Women:
It is the UN entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Executive Director– Sima Sami Iskandar Bahous
Headquarters–  New York, United States of America (USA)
Established in– 2010