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International Albinism Awareness Day 2022 – June 13 

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International Albinism Awareness Day - June 13 2022

The United Nations(UN) International Albinism Awareness Day is annually observed across the globe on 13th June to create awareness about albinism and to highlight the human rights of the people with albinism.

  • Albinism is a group of genetically inherited disorders where there is little or no production of the melanin pigments.
  • The type and amount of melanin your body produces determine the colour of skin, hair and eyes.

The theme of International Albinism Awareness Day 2022 is “United in making our voice heard”.

Significance of 2022 theme: The 2022 theme focus on including the voices of persons with albinism is essential to ensure equality #Inclusion4equality.


The United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) adopted the resolution A/RES/69/170 on 18th December 2014 and proclaimed the 13th June of every year as the International Albinism Awareness Day.

  • This follows the recommendations by the Human Rights Council resolution 26/10 to proclaim the 13th of June of every year as International Albinism Awareness Day.
  • The first-ever International Albinism Awareness Day was observed on 13th June 2015.

About Albinism:

i.Albinism is a rare, non-contagious, genetically inherited difference present at birth.

ii.Albinism is found in both sexes regardless of ethnicity and in all countries of the world.

iii.The condition causes vulnerability to the sun and bright light, as a result, almost all people with albinism are visually impaired and are prone to developing skin cancer.

Discrimination against people with albinism:

People with albinism face various forms of discrimination across the globe. Their physical appearances are mostly misunderstood socially and medically and often subjected to erroneous beliefs and myths influenced by superstition.

Key Points:

i.The Human Rights Council appointed Ikponwosa Ero as the 1st Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism in 2015.

ii.In 2021, she was succeeded by Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond.