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Individual Income Inequality has declined during FY14-FY22: SBI ERD Report

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Individual income inequality has significantly declined during FY14-FY22On January 8, 2024, the State Bank of India (SBI) Economic Research Department (ERD) released a report titled ‘SBI Research: Debunking K-shaped recovery‘ which stated that individual income inequality in India has declined during 2013–2014(FY14) to 2021–2022(FY22).

  • The Gini coefficient of taxable income, which captured income inequality, dropped from 0.472 to 0.402 during this period.


The Gini coefficient, a widely used measure of income inequality, is used to calculate the estimate. This co-efficient measures inequality on a scale from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating higher inequality.


i.36.3% taxpayers moved to higher income groups, leading to a 21.3% income increase.

ii.Top 2.5% taxpayers’ share dropped from 2.81% to 2.28% (2014–2021).

iii.Taxpayers earning Rs 5-10 lakh increased by 295% (Assessment Years AY 2013–14 to AY 2021–22).

iv.Income disparity of people earning less than 3.5 lakh decreased from 31.8% to 15.8%.

v.Weighted mean income of individuals rose from Rs 3.1 lakh to Rs 11.6 lakh (2014–2021).

vi.The report criticized the K-shaped recovery post-pandemic by stating it flawed, prejudiced, and ill-concocted.

  • K-shaped recovery reflects uneven recovery where certain sectors of the economy thrives while other sectors continue to decline or struggle to recover.

vii.With respect to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), around 19.5% micro MSMEs shifted income to upwards. Of these 4.8% shifted to small, 6.1% to medium, 9.3% to large firms.

viii.2 crore family members in semi-urban areas use food delivery platforms like Zomato.

ix.Female tax filers are around 15% of the individual tax filers 15% with higher in states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, and West Bengal.

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About State Bank of India(SBI):
Chairman Dinesh Kumar Khara
Establishment– 1955
Headquartered– Mumbai, Maharashtra
Tagline – The Banker to Every Indian