The newly elected Delhi government has decided to enforce ban on the storage, sale, and purchase of all kinds of raw chewable tobacco products such as gutkha, khaini and zarda in the National Capital. The Health Minister Satyendra Jain has taken a serious initiative for banning all kind of raw chewable products in the National Capital and he has also finalized the proposal.
In Delhi, gutka is being supplied to retailers from neighboring states like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The last day of every month has been declared as a Dry Day for Tobacco by the Delhi government.
Health Effects of Smokeless Tobacco
- Smokeless tobacco products contain more than 28 cancer-causing chemicals.
- It causes oral lesions and the gums to pull away from the teeth.
- Chewing smokeless tobacco causes severe tooth decay.
- Leathery white and red sores are common among the chewers.
- It might play a role in causing heart disease and stroke.
- It increases the risk of developing small white patches called leukoplakia inside the mouth.
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