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PM Modi first Indian PM to visit Ireland in 60 years – An overview

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ireland on 23rd September, 2015 for his maiden day-long visit to Ireland’s capital city Dublin for strengthening ties and deepening cooperation.
(Irish Prime Minister – Enda Kenny)
(Irish President – Michael D. Higgins)
(Ireland Currency – Euro)
(India Ambassador to Ireland – Mrs Radhika Lal Lokesh)

  • The first Indian Prime Minister to visit the country in almost 59 years.
  • The last Indian prime minister to visit Ireland was Jawaharlal Nehru in 1956.

PM Modi first Indian PM to visit Ireland in 60 years - An overview


  • Ireland support for India’s membership of UN Security council and international export control regimes including NSG (Nuclear supplier group) during wide ranging talks which also covered global challenges like terror and radicalisation.
  • PM visits not only promote business links between two countries, but also give a strong boost to tourism ties that are already growing at 14%per year.
  • Science and technology and education are two other areas where India and Ireland have a good history of cooperation like Ireland’s Science Centre in Karnataka is one example of that cooperation. Irish experts gave India institutions like the Geological Survey of India and the first Linguistic Survey of India.
  • Announcement of direct flight between the two countries which will help the students as well the professionals who come from India to Ireland.
  • PM Modi presented reproductions of selected manuscripts from National Archives of India to Irish PM.
  • Irish PM presents a Irish cricket team jersey to PM Narendra Modi and Hurling (Irish national sport) bat (hurly) and a ball (sliotar)


  • Ireland is home to around 26,000 persons of Indian origin, of which around 17,000 are Indian citizens.
  • The Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution are inspired by the Irish Constitution
  • Relations between India and Ireland date back to independence and in 2013, the total trade in goods and services were pegged at €2.48 billion.
  • The key items of Irish export include computer hardware and software, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, food and machinery.
  • Indian exports to Ireland cover textiles, garments and clothing accessories, pharmaceuticals, light engineering goods and chemicals.