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GK Science: Various Scientific Disciplines

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• Acarology : Branch of zoology dealing with ticks and mites.
• Acoustics : The study of sound (or the science of sound).
• Aerodynamics : The branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of air and other gases; the study of the motion and control of solid bodies like aircraft, missiles in air.
• Aeronautics : The science or art of flight.
• Aerostatics : The branch of statics that deals with gases in equilib¬rium and with gases and bodies in them.
• Anatomy : The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
• Anthropology : The Science that deals with the origin and physical and cultural development of mankind.
• Arboriculture : Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
• Archaeology : The study of antiquities.
• Astronautics : The science of space travel.
• Astronomy : The study of the heavenly bodies.
• Astrophysics : The branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of heavenly bodies.
• Biometry : The application of mathematics to the study of living things.
• Bionics : The study of functions, characteristics and phenomena ob¬served in the living world and the application of this knowledge to the world of machines.
• Biophysics : The physics of vital processes (living things).
• Botany : The study of plants.
• Cardiology : A branch of medicine dealing with the heart.
• Cytochemsitry : The branch of cytology dealing with chemistry of cells.
• Cytogenetics : The branch of biology dealing with the body of heredity from the point of view of cytology and genetics.
• Cytology : The study of cells, especially their formation, structure and functions.
• Dactylography : The study of fingerprints for the purchase or identification.
• Dactylology : The study of fingerprints.
• Dandrology : Science dealing with study of trees.
• Dietetics : Science dealing with study of diet and nutrition.
• Epidemiology : The branch of medicine dealing with communicable diseases.
• Epigraphy : The study of inscriptions.
• Epistemology : Study of the nature of knowledge.
• Eugenics : The study of the production of better offering by the care¬ful selection of parents.
• Genesiology : The science of generation.
• Geology : The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
• Geomedicine : The branch of medicine dealing with the influence of climate and environmental conditions on health.
• Geomorphology : The study of the characteristics, origin and devel¬opment of landforms.
• Gynaecology : Dealing with female diseases of the reproductive sys¬tem.
• Haemetology : Relating to study of blood and blood disorders.
• Hepatology : Branch of medicine relating to study of liver and its dis¬eases-
• Metallography : Study of the crystalline structures of metals and alloys.
• Meteorology : Science of the atmosphere and its phenomena.
• Metrology : Scientific study of weights and measures, bacteria, molds and pathogenic protozoa.
• Minerology : Study of distribution, identification and properties of min¬erals