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World Thyroid Day 2024 – May 25

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World Thyroid DayWorld Thyroid Day (WTD) is annually observed across the globe on 25 May to raise awareness about the significance of the thyroid gland, a vital endocrine (hormone-producing) gland, and to educate people on thyroid diseases and their symptoms.

  • WTD forms part of International Thyroid Awareness Week (ITAW) (25-31 May 2024), supported by the global, non-profit network of patient organisations known as Thyroid Federation International (TFI).

The theme of the ITAW-WTD 2024 is “Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)“.

Note: ITAW is an initiative of TFI, supported by all the international thyroid associations and many national thyroid societies.

Awareness Ribbon:

The Blue Paisley Ribbons are used as the symbol for Thyroid Awareness.

  • Paisley was chosen because it resembles a cross-section of thyroid follicles.


i.In March 2008, the European Thyroid Association (ETA) announced the 1st “European Thyroid Day” on 25 May 2008.

ii.WTD was established in 2008 as part of a campaign led by the ETA and the American Thyroid Association (ATA) to emphasise the prevalence of thyroid diseases.

iii.In 2010, WTD was endorsed by ATA, in cooperation with sister international thyroid societies, the ETA, the Asia & Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA), and the Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS) at the International Thyroid Congress (ITC) in Paris, France.

  • The ATA, ETA, AOTA, and LATS jointly recognised the 4th Annual World Thyroid Day for the 1st time on 25 May 2011.


i.TFI decided to create WTD during their Annual General Meeting (AGM) preceding the European Thyroid Association (ETA) congress in Leipzig, Germany, in September 2007.

ii.However, TFI never officially organised the “World Thyroid Day”, as a worldwide event.

Why 25 May?

  • May 25th celebrates the creation of the ETA in 1965.
  • May 25th also coincides with national thyroid awareness events in some Scandinavian countries.

International Thyroid Awareness Week (ITAW):

ITAW was conceptualised by the TFI in collaboration with Merck-Serono in 2008. It was decided to have this during the week following WTD in May.

ii.It was officially announced during a press conference at the 11th European Congress of Endocrinology in Istanbul in April 2009.

iii.The 1st ITAW was observed from 25th to 31st May 2009.

iv.ITAW campaign is endorsed by ETA, ATA, LATS, AOTA, the Chinese Society of Endocrinology (CSE), and the Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM).

What is Thyroid?

i.The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland. It is found at the front of the neck, under the voice box.

ii.It plays a major role in chemical reactions in the body (our metabolism), growth, and development.

iii.The thyroid constantly releases hormones like thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) into the bloodstream to manage chemical reactions in the body.

iv.In situations requiring more energy, such as growth spurts, cold weather, or pregnancy, the thyroid increases hormone production.

About Thyroid Diseases:

i.Thyroid disease refers to conditions that affect the thyroid gland’s ability to produce the correct amount of hormones. This can impact individuals of all ages.

ii.Improper thyroid function can affect overall health and energy levels. The 2 main types of Thyroid Disease are:

  • Hypothyroidism (Underactive thyroid); and Hyperthyroidism (Overactive thyroid).

iii.Other thyroid diseases include goiter, thyroid cancer, and thyroid nodules.

iv.Thyroid diseases are treatable and treatments depend on the condition and may include medication, surgery, or other therapy.

About European Thyroid Association (ETA):
President– Laura Fugazzola (Italy)
Headquarters– Altdorf, Germany