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World Milk Day 2024 – June 01

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World Milk DayWorld Milk Day (WMD) is annually observed across the globe on 1 June to highlight milk’s significance as a global food, bring attention to activities connected with the dairy sector, and actively encourage milk and dairy consumption as part of a daily diet.

  • The annual observance of WMD is led by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN).

2024 Focus:

World Milk Day 2024 will emphasize the critical role of dairy in delivering quality nutrition to nourish the world.

Note: Dairy is an accessible and affordable source of essential nutrients. As a nutrient-dense food, dairy is integral to balanced diets worldwide.

Significance of Milk and WMD:

i.Milk is one of the most widely produced and valuable agricultural commodities on the planet, containing a powerful mixture of essential nutrients.

ii.WMD celebrates dairy’s vital role in global food systems, providing economic, nutritional, and social benefits to a larger proportion of the world’s population.


i.In 2001, World Milk Day was established by the FAO to recognise the significance of milk, focus attention on milk, and celebrate the dairy sector’s contributions.

ii.The first-ever WMD was observed on 1 June 2001.

Why June 1?

This date was chosen because several countries celebrate National Milk Day on or around 1st June. Some countries hold the observance a week or so, before or after this date.

FAO’s Role and Network:

i.Although not officially recognised as an international day by the UN, the FAO’s Markets and Trade Division actively gathers and shares information about WMD celebrations through the Dairy Market Network.

ii.This platform facilitates free information exchange among members on the global dairy industry developments.

Observance in India:

National Milk Day in India is annually celebrated on 26 November to honour the birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien, also known as the “Father of the White Revolution in India“.

Milk Production in India:

i.India is the highest milk producer and ranks first globally, contributing 24.64% of global milk production in 2021-22.

ii.The milk production of India has registered a 58% increase during the last 9 years, and increased to 230.58 Million Tonnes (MT) in the year 2022-23.

iii.Milk production has increased at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.85% over the past 9 years.

iv.India’s Export of Dairy products was 67,572.99 MT to the world worth USD284.65 million during 2022-23.

Note: Approximately 150 million households worldwide are involved in milk production.

About Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO):
Director-General– Qu Dongyu
Headquarters– Rome, Italy
Established – 1945