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World Brain Tumour Day 2022 – June 8 

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World Brain Tumor Day - June 8 2022

World Brain Tumour Day is annually observed across the globe on 8th June to create awareness about brain tumours, abnormal growth or mass of cells in or around your brain. Brain Tumours can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous).

  • The Grey awareness ribbon is the official symbol of Brain Tumour awareness.

The theme for World Brain Tumour Day 2022 is “Together We Are Stronger”.


i.The German Brain Tumour Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.), a non-profit organisation working to raise public awareness and educates people about a brain tumour, started the international observance “World Brain Tumour day” in 2000, as a tribute to the patients with a brain tumour and their family.

ii.Since then, the day is annually celebrated on 8th June. 

  • A malignant brain tumour is very common in Germany as more than 8,000 people suffer from these diseases only in Germany.

About Brain Tumours:

i.Brain tumours that begin in the brain are known as Primary Brain Tumours and cancer that begins in other parts of the body and spread to the brain are known as secondary (Metastatic) brain tumours.

ii.The treatment options for the brain tumour directly depend on the type of brain tumour, size and location of the tumour.

Additional info:

According to the International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC), every year more than 28000 cases of brain tumours are reported in India and among these around 24000 die because of the disease.

Brain Tumor Awareness Month

The month of May is annually observed as the Brain Tumor Awareness Month, dedicated to supporting, empowering, and amplifying the voice of the brain tumour community.