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World Brain Tumor Day 2024 – June 8

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World Brain Tumor Day - June 8 2024World Brain Tumor Day is annually observed across the globe on 8 June to raise awareness about brain tumours and their impact on patients and families, the significance of early detection and timely treatment, and to advocate for improved patient care.

  • The Day also aims to highlight the importance of research and support for those affected and celebrate the resilience of those living with this challenging condition.

The theme for World Brain Tumor Day 2024 is “Brain Health and Prevention“.

Symbol: The Grey Ribbon is the official symbol for Brain Tumours and Brain Cancers.


i.The “Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.” (German Brain Tumour Association), a non-profit organisation based in Leipzig, Germany started commemorating World Brain Tumour Day in 2000.

ii.Since 2000, World Brain Tumor Day has been celebrated annually on 8 June as a tribute to all brain tumour patients and their families.

Note: A brain tumour is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain or around it. These growths can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Related Observances:

i.Brain Tumour Awareness Month:

May is annually observed as Brain Tumour Awareness Month (BTAM) to raise awareness about brain tumours, promote research, and support those affected by the disease.

ii.International Brain Tumour Awareness Week (IBTAW):

Organised by the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA), IBTAW is annually observed in a week during October and November.

  • The 17th IBTAW will be held from 26th October 2024 to 2nd November 2024 inclusive.

Understanding WHO Classification of Brain Tumours:

i.Most global medical organisations refer to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification system to identify brain tumours.

ii.The classification is based on cell origin and behaviour, ranging from the least aggressive (non-malignant) to the most aggressive (malignant).

  • Some brain tumour types are assigned a grade ranging from I (non-malignant) to IV (most malignant), indicating growth rate and aggressiveness.

Note: All brain cancers are tumours, but not all brain tumours are cancerous. Noncancerous brain tumours are called benign brain tumours.

The Importance of WHO Reclassification:

i.In May 2021, the WHO published the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumours, an official reclassification of tumour types of the CNS.

ii.It enhances diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning, facilitating precise treatment strategies and predicting therapeutic responses.

Note: All brain and spine tumours are collectively called CNS tumours.

Brain Tumour and its Types:

i.A brain tumour, known as an intracranial tumour, is an abnormal mass of tissue characterised by uncontrolled cell growth within the brain.

ii.It is a complex medical condition with various types and characteristics. But the 2 main types of Brain Tumours are:

  • Primary Brain Tumors: Originate within the brain tissue itself.
  • Metastatic Brain Tumors: Also called lesions or brain metastases, are caused by cancer that has spread from another part of the body.

Note: Metastatic tumours of the brain affect nearly 1 in 4 patients with cancer, or an estimated 150,000 people a year.

Key Facts:

i.There are over 120 different types of brain tumours, complicating the effective treatment method.

ii.Non-malignant tumours account for almost two-thirds of all primary brain tumours.

iii.Glioblastoma is the most common type of primary malignant brain tumour, with a survival rate of less than a year even with aggressive treatment.

iv.Metastatic Tumours: Occur in 20-40% of cancer patients, becoming more prevalent due to increased cancer survival rates.

v.Brain tumours are the leading cause of solid cancer death in children under 20, surpassing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

  • They rank 3rd in solid cancer death for young adults aged 20-39.

vi.Children’s brain tumours differ from adults’ and often require distinct treatment approaches.

  • While approximately 60% of children survive brain tumours, many experience long-term side effects.

Additional Info:

The International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC) reported over 28,000 cases of brain tumours in India each year, and more than 24,000 people reportedly die due to brain tumours annually.