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World Bicycle Day 2024 – June 3

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World Bicycle Day - June 3 2024The United Nations (UN) World Bicycle Day is annually observed across the globe on 3 June to raise awareness of the Bicycle, a clean and environmentally fit sustainable transport system that promotes economic growth and reduces inequalities.

  • This Day promotes bicycles as an affordable, reliable, and sustainable means of transportation to combat climate change towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


i.The World Health Organisation (WHO) promotes cycling for its unlimited benefits to health and the environment, including increasing physical activity.

ii.Cycling reduces Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer and diabetes and lowers air and noise pollution.

iii.Using bicycles aids in poverty eradication, promotes sustainable development, supports educational initiatives, and facilitates social inclusion and a culture of peace.

World Bicycle Day Logo:

i.The original UN Blue and White logo was designed by an American artist Isaac Feld and the accompanying animation was created by Professor John E. Swanson.

ii.The logo depicts bicyclists of various types riding around the globe, with the hashtag #June3WorldBicycleDay underneath it.

Origin of World Bicycle Day:

i.The idea of celebrating World Bicycle Day was first proposed by a Polish-American social scientist Leszek J. Sibilski, who worked in the United States (US).

ii.He originated and spearheaded a global campaign for the UN to establish a “World Bicycle Day”.

iii.He also gained support from Turkmenistan’s Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, US.


i.On 12 April 2018, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the resolution A/RES/72/272, proclaiming the 3 June as World Bicycle Day.

ii.The resolution was adopted by a consensus of 193 member states, sponsored by Turkmenistan and co-sponsored by some 56 countries.

iii.The first-ever UN-designated World Bicycle Day was observed on 3 June 2018.

Note: The World Cycling Alliance (WCA) and the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) welcomed this UNG resolution, after having campaigned for a UN-designated World Bicycle Day since 2016.

Integrating Bicycle for Sustainable Development:

i.On 15 March 2022, the UNGA adopted the resolution A/RES/76/255 on integrating bicycling into public transportation systems.

ii.This initiative aims to promote sustainable development by emphasising the bicycle as an instrument of sustainable transportation.

  • Encouraging the use of bicycles fosters sustainable consumption and production, and helps mitigate climate change.

Note: According to the document, “Cycling Delivers on the Global Goals”, created and published by WCA and ECF to the UN in 2015, cycling delivers directly on at least 12 of the 17 SDGs.

UNESCO’s “Bicycle for all”:

In 2023. the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Executive board adopted the first historic decision on the bicycle, titled “Bicycle for All – Bicycle for Sustainable and Healthy Lifestyles.”

  • It was initiated by Poland and led by the inter-regional coalition including Austria, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Kenya.

2024 Events:

A high-level event was organised on 3 June 2024 at the UN Headquarters in New York with the theme “Promoting Sustainable Transportation and Well-being.”

Organisers of the event: Permanent Missions of Turkmenistan, Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Türkiye, and Qatar to the UN.