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India 8th Most Affected Country in the World due to Terrorism in 2019; Afghanistan tops the List – 8th Edition of GTI 2020

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India ranked 8th on the Global Terrorism Index 2020According to the 8th Edition of ‘Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2020: Measuring the Impact of Terrorism’ released by Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), India with a score of 7.353 is the 8th Most Affected Country in the World due to Terrorism in 2019.Afghanistan (9.592), Iraq (8.682) & Nigeria (8.314) are top 3 countries which are the most affected by Terrorism.

i.Qatar (0.014) took the 133rd Rank followed by Uzbekistan (0.010) in the 134th Rank and around 29 Countries (score of 0.000) took the 135th Rank which means they are Least Affected Countries or Face No Impact due to Terrorism.

ii.GTI is a complete analysis of impact of terrorism for 163 countries covering 99.7% of the World’s Population.

Countries Most Affected by Terrorism:

Rank CountryScore

Countries Least Affected by Terrorism:

Rank CountryScore
13529 Countries0.000

Regarding India:

i.India recorded 277 Deaths, 439 Injuries & 558 Incidents due to Terrorism in 2019.

ii.According to report, Maoists, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) were responsible for over Two Thirds & half of the total attacks in India in 2019.

iii.Jammu and Kashmir was the most affected Region due to terrorism, it reported 165 attacks and 103 deaths. The Three most active groups in Kashmir were Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Hizbul Mujahideen & Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)

iv.Chhattisgarh was the second most affected Region in India with 85 attacks and 53 deaths all from Maoist Extremists.

v.India recorded Lowest Number of deaths due to terrorism among the Top 10 countries affected by Terrorism. It also has the lowest lethality rate of attacks (0.5 deaths per attack).

Pulwama Terror Attack:

The Suicide Attack carried on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Lethpora, Pulwama by HeM was listed in the report among the 20 Most Fatal Terrorist Attacks in 2019.

Key Points:

i.Deaths due to Terrorism have fallen for the 5th Consecutive year in 2019 (13, 286 deaths). Russia, Eurasia, South America & South Asia recorded a fall of atleast 20 % in deaths due to terrorism.

ii.Burkina Faso recorded the largest increase in terrorism in 2019 the deaths increased by 593, it was followed by Sri Lanka where the terrorism deaths increased to 266 in 2019 from 1 in 2018.

iii.Global Economic impact of Terrorism in 2019 amounted to USD 26.4 Billion, Afghanistan recorded highest economic impact on Economy due to Terrorism (16.7% of GDP).

iv.South Asia (5.829), North America (4.216) & Middle East (3.95) were the most affected regions due to Terrorism.

Other Important Rankings:

United States of America – 29, France – 38, China – 53, Pakistan – 7, Sri Lanka – 20, Nepal – 27, Bhutan – 135, Bangladesh – 33.

Recent Related News:

i.United Nations(UN)’s International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is annually oserved on 21st August to commemorate and pay tribute to the victims and survivors of Terrorism acoss the globe.

ii.National Anti-Terrorism Day is observed every year on May 21 in order to raise awareness amongst people that terrorism has no religion, also to spread the message of peace, harmony, and brotherhood.

About Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP):
Founder & Executive Chairman – Steve Killelea AM
Headquarters – Sydney, Australia